Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Naked and Pure

Written by chrism

Please be in a steady and consistent practice of "all" of the safeties. From
the locks to the Tibetans the breath and the service unless otherwise indicated
by myself for you. All of the safeties and yes many of these activities are
already being practiced by you. Now you are merely shifting the focus towards
doing it consciously with more consistency.

The Shaktipat will be taken from your practice. Each of you individually via the
Scatterfield. Certain consistent elements will need to be in place for a
demonstrable Shaktipat as well as certain clearings. So for instance if one is
in too much fear about these areas this can serve as a block to the gift. A
block for your safety in this example as there may be no need for you to have
extremely enhanced levels of fear regarding the acceptance of the divine gift.

If one is in much doubt about the validity of Kundalini this can also serve as a
block. If one is doing this for the phenomena or "the powers" this can also
serve as a block as the Kundalini in me will understand the limited scope of
interest and the self serving focus of a power minus wisdom approach.

Having too many other techniques is another impediment. Or having techniques
where entities are being called in to supplement personal spiritual
responsibilities. In the five sense understanding not very much is known or
understood regarding the entity agenda. Even from those who consider themselves
as "advanced adepts" with regard to the agenda of the entity involvement with
corporeal encased, under the veil, human consciousness, they are not able to be
discerning in these areas regardless.

Kundalini as it is given here is an extremely personal responsibility and gift.
It is not the latest "New Age" thing in fact it is quite ancient. The
understandings of Kundalini inculcation and development within the body is very
much misunderstood in our society at present as are the conditionings of mind
and ego also not understood or practiced adequately enough for the Kundalini
presence to be gifted safely by most.

This isn't about a person "doing" something in order to receive a result and yet
one must "do" some things in order for the gift to be retained.

This is where the safety protocols are given. This is the purpose in regards to
the Shaktipat for their being practiced along with the safety mechanisms
inherent with in them. So do the safeties as much as possible as the ONE and
only practice for the inculcation of Kundalini awakening. This is my suggestion
to everyone.

Do not call in this or that entity or Arc Angel or Lord of some divine ray. No
Ashtar commanders or priests of the white or red or purple hand. - lol! No fairy
dust or entity attachments. No ancient Babylonian King, Queen, god or goddess
unless it is merely another name for Kundalini. No blood sacrifices or augury or
haruspication. No thought forms or vices of any chemical or spiritual or
physical quality. No floating hearts or fluffy bunnies as they tend to get
eaten. - lol!

Come into this as naked and pure as you can be.

No healing masters of the universe or red or white feathered spiritual Native
Americans. No channeling of anything other than love and the qualities as
outlined in the safety protocols. No drugs or entheogins. Come into this
exaltation clear and free of any of the many flavors of spirituality and conduct
that the New Age or the Old Age has made available.

Come as a child free and clear and positively inquisitive.

Come with willingness for "inner discipline" of emotions and inner dialogue,
transformed food intake and fear response. Come with the intention of a gentle
release of ego control within an environment that is safe and behind your eyes
and heart.

This is about you and you alone. If you are frightened to walk this path alone
then it is not for you!

There is guidance and love and compassion. There are also fears to be faced,
disciplines to be practiced and gently or abruptly released unproductive
patterns of conduct.

It is a multifaceted process of inner cleansing and inner balance and becoming
filled with a presence and energy beyond words. The initial feelings are those
of moving bliss and I mean a movement based vibration with bliss. In variations
of degree as we all come into this from our unique perspective of development
and challenges.

So please be aware of these qualities and adjust to these instructions sincerely
and as best that you can. - blessings all. - chrism

Shakti is a form of feminine energy which can create a Kundalini response in an individual. It is an energy that does not operate totally within the boundaries of the physical plane such as the physical sciences are understood today.
It is of the interplanes between both physical and spiritual; apart, yet belonging to both. It can be transmitted by intention and proximity, touch and desire. She is the Serpent that flows up the spine. The human spine which is shaped like a serpent standing on its tail.
She travels to the heart and the crown to join her counterpart or husband the male energy of Prana, which is similar to the positive aspect of an electric circuit with Shakti being the negative aspect of the circuit joining. A very powerful circuit!
It is this marriage that brings the beginnings of in-light-in-meant or enlightenment for an individual. As you read this site or read the posts on one of the group sites, you are receiving it already 'the Shakti' as this is what these sites are all about.
So feel it and be open if you are comfortable with the information you have given yourself. No rush and read The Safeties and practice these first that you may begin to open safely to these changes.

Shakti around you
This demonstrates a kind of field around a person. An intelligence that will help you and change you beyond that of a guide but not to the exclusion of guidance.
This energetic aura can be seen as representative of the Shakti as in the example of the Sacred Mother. Nurturing and protecting. The Sacred Father can be seen as the blue of the background just as present but in different form.
As a baby moves from infancy into childhood and adolescence into adulthood, it doesn't stop there. Adults also continue to move into higher states of being. Places where they can be seen as babies that need guidance and nurturing etc. And so the path continues. Kundalini is the next step into that aspect of creation for our unique animal and spiritual dynamic.

Universal Energy
Universal Energy can be associated with the Prana Energy that is everywhere. The Kundalini is the marriage of the Prana (sacred male) and the Shakti (sacred female). Shakti is of the earth and of the body and Prana is of the cosmic. When they are joined you have "the Cosmic Earth" Or the "Cosmic Body" or the "Awakened Being". As the sacred marriage is achieved, the divine circuit is completed and the bridge into the divine and back from the divine is built. This is why some Reiki can lead to an activation as it is half of the equation. Much depends upon the individual. - blessings - chrism

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kundalini loves you and your family

Kundalini loves you and your family. They may not understand the Kundalini and
this is ok but they are an important part of "your" process and their needs are
to be honored especially within the parental context. So please know this and
know that as you are the excellent parent or child that you are, this in and

of itself, is a reflective expression of what and how the Kundalini process may
express for you! Gratitude, forgiveness grace and truth. - blessings all. - chrism

Kundalini Music

This is really, as of late, the first time authentic music from the Kundalini
has been given through me for the awakening of the Kundalini in others. Music is another vector, and an excellent one, for the Kundalini to come into a person.
It is a process of feeling and a way of discerning through feelings how a
certain form of music is communicating for a person. Musical styles and
preferences are unique to everyone so from there the choices are not universal
but rather individual but the actual transmission of the Kundalini Current upon
a person through music is very real.

There is a piece written ten years ago that has been in a testing process on
some members of this community that I have been meeting with in person. This is
a recent process but the results have been very much a proactive, phenomenon
based, experiential interaction of the music and its communication of Kundalini
phenomena upon the individual. Mostly spinal surges.

Not in a bombastic way however. No heads are being blown off! Slow is good and
conditioning is still the foundation of a clear, clean and safe awakening
process. This is merely another teaching tool. - blessings to everyone! - chrism

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Seeking Kundalini

Seeking Kundalini 

This is a good route to take if you are serious about it. You are not prepared
no matter what your ego may tell you. But because you are a seeker you collect
information and it is this information that can give you the power you need to
surrender. When it awakens you will still be blown away and amazed and have that
experience that is beyond words yet you will not have as much o
f an opportunity
to go into fear because you are seeking this. Your information saves you from
this part of the fear equation. Don't worry! There are many other fear
opportunities! - lol! You will be tried and tested just like everyone who comes
into this grace and yet your qualities of searching will bear fruit. So bless
all of you who seek the Kundalini. Open to the infinite truth of your being! -

Entities and the Spiritual Body

Entities and the Spiritual Body

There are some challenges we as a species do not readily understand at
the present. Just like there are parasites that live in the body physical so too
are there entities of a parasitic nature that live in the energetic folds around
and with in us.

They are of a psuedo intelligent nature as they are in many cases discarnate people
or those who have passed but because of trauma or other interference have not
been able to move on and jumped into the nearest or most familiar person.
Gliding through that persons energetic structure and feeding and living and
sharing the thoughts and sometimes engaging in control of that persons decision
making process.

It is always in the interest of evolution that these entities be released into
their next journey. Not through means of harshness but through means of love and
service for that individual.

Some will feel this type of entity as a floating vibrational feeling
centering and moving of its own accord through the pelvic regions. A slightly
ticklish feeling that does not have a controlling point except for the touch or
pressing of a hand to the area, this is the typical scenario and there are
others. This isnt "always" an entity. There are other causes.

Some will feel them in the legs traveling up to the testes and residing in the
testicles as a very obvious vibration that will cause a need to move or touch.
This isnt "always" an entity. There are other causes for this as well.

Sometimes the face and eyes and ears or other areas of the body will
feel these mystery incursions.

Quite often they will feed on aspects of energy that
they can consume. It is best to clear them. But many form an attachment with the
person influencing the thoughts into a form of denial and protectionism.
As we evolve so are they forced to. Some will jump out rather than face what their next journey holds. If you feel you have these merely practice the safeties in a sincere fashion and they will evolve and leave or simply leave - chrism

Kundalini Crying

Kundalini Crying

You must cry. It is a relief mechanism for extraordinary amounts of energy being
applied into the various bodies of expression by the Kundalini. The ego may
recognize it as it always has as pertaining to sadness or grief or extreme
laughter. But it is indeed the five bodies release response to the energies
being given into it by the Kundalini.

Change is being demanded of us by the Intelligent Kundalini. These changes are
not always easy and inside of these changes certain attributes that we have come
to be comfortable with are being transformed.

It really doesn't matter what kind of expression is occurring as the changes
will be given to all of the bodies of expression therefore all expressions will
undergo this transformation. Crying is a typical constant within the Kundalini
process whether it be through bliss or ecstasy or release. Release is almost
always the drive behind the tears.

When the emotional body is challenged with transformation our ego associations
with our feelings will in many ways resist. We will not go quietly about some of
the emotional issues in our life and within these areas of resistance the tears
will flow copiously.

And they should.

These tears are in many ways double tasked with forming the vector of response
for the release of blockages to the energy and also with the lubrication through
release for the gradual blockage removal. Crying is a release that comprises
many of the bodies of expression not just the emotional.

The physical body will heave in strong gasps of deep tremors. Pushing away the
pain of resistance through release and yet gradually dismantling the blockage
causing the pain. The ego will wonder what is going on as its control has fallen
away and it stands powerless to assert any kind of defense against this. The
mental body will struggle as well as it searches in vain for a reason why this
is happening. At first this part of the Kundalini process is confusing but as
surrender is given into the process deductive reasoning will be made as to what
and how to respond.

Allow the tears to flow and know that Kundalini Intelligence will curtail some
of these symptoms for socially constructive times such as employment or other
forms of needed interactions with others who would not understand such tears.

The medical profession will not understand this and they will reach or
manufacture an illness to fit your apparent condition. Be careful who you talk
about this aspect of the Kundalini with. Clinical depression will often be the
diagnosis. Many of the Kundalini symptoms will most certainly resemble other
maladies that have nothing to do with the Kundalini so know this and be
appropriate with whom you tell and how you manage this expression within the
public view.

If you must come into the public arena wear large sunglasses if it is a problem
to be seen crying. Please remember that being Kundalini active or awakening is
no shame and yet people will be concerned about you if they see you crying and
will wish to help. Do not try to artificially or chemically control the tears.
Let them come or come to an agreement with Intelligent Kundalini for the
appropriate times that this can be given within your life circumstances.

We have sought to control our emotions for perhaps the majority of our lives.
Ego is used to this and mental mind is used to this and physical body is used to
this as is the emotional body. Kundalini will dissolve any thread of control
that once was so strong. This is natural to the changes taking place.

Kundalini is asserting its energies into the total human system in order to
bring about a maximum level of continuous transformation within the person. It
knows the dynamics of that persons existence and will work with the individual
to mitigate as much as is necessary the intrusiveness into the social and
survival aspects of the persons life.

It will do this in response to the surrender to its agenda by the individual. So
we talk with our Kundalini. We let the body cry. We allow the changes to be
given even if we do not understand why they are being given. We do not wallow in
our vain attempts to figure out why we are having these symptoms. We accept that
we will surrender and that later when we are further along we may be able to
discern why this happens.

Let your tears flow in rivers and let your surrender be complete. Trust the
process that is working within you and do not fear. Such grace is being given
that would astound you if you knew any reference points for it! And you will! -
blessings - chrism

2012 and the Kundalini

We are taken care of by the Kundalini

Yes I attribute my strength to the Kundalini and it started to express itself at the very beginning. We are taken care of by the Kundalini even though that nurturing may not come in expected ways. We are given what we need especially as our world crumbles into dust and our ego
writhes in the agony of the unknown. - chrism

We do not have control over the Kundalini

In many ways we do not have control over the Kundalini agenda within
us. Certainly not for the infusion that occurs. Please remember that
convulsions and and other appearances of pain do not necessarily
mean that a painful event has occurred. Kriyas for example can "look"
extremely painful and yet the person having the kriya is often
having a very blissful experience.

The Kundalini will go into others that is a fact as the Shaktipat
that is given through me will attest. But it isn't a force of hurt.
You can be shown what may be coming up for you in future
experiences with the Kundalini. Interactions with others and
possible healings that can be given by the Kundalini through you.

Remember your feelings of compassion. Kundalini will ride on those
feelings and respond in its own way towards those in need.

Healing reception can be seen as a painful event and it sometimes
is. Often though it is a joyful event that the body will appear, to
the one viewing the event from the outside as something painful when
in fact it is not.

The spider up the neck or a snake up the spine these are visions of
the Kundalini. And yes at the base of the neck is a gateway. This is
where I place the right index finger tip when giving a healing. - chrism

Friday, October 5, 2012

Kundalini will often bring into your life the issues that you have refused to face or balance or take care of. All of a sudden, at times, it may seem as if the issues are very big and very difficult. You will need a strong practice of the behavioral modifications to allow you to recognize these issues before they can consume your attention. 

Practice, actively practice, REALLY practice:

Honesty (with self and others)
Self correction (with diligence)
Inner Joy
Silent Contemplation
Service to others
Loving interactions with others
Let these be guide posts and stabilization practices. Let them carry you through the temptations of caving into the ego based desires of not being willing or able to let the issues be resolved. Do this before these issues within Kundalini amplification create more problems. - chrism