Many of the ancient and current races knew of the healing properties and the combined energetic properties of the many plants and energetic helpers that exist in this world even today. One example of this would be the native Americans and their preparation for consumption of foods that required specific levels of refinement before consumption.
One of these foods was the acorn. The acorn being the seed of the oak tree. The oak tree has high levels of tannic acid which makes the acorns very bitter. So bitter in fact that to consume them one had to prepare them through a series of refinement steps.
The beautiful acorn can have a sweet and very nutritious taste and quality and was a staple food for many of the Native American tribes on the West Coast North America. The acorn would need to be mashed and boiled with the excess water poured away and mashed and boiled again with the excess water poured away and this would go on perhaps 6 to 9 times before the nut was cleansed of it's bitter qualities.
The same goes for us within a context of Kundalini. We must be mashed and boiled, mashed and boiled, many more times than an acorn. This allows the bitterness of our ego to be transformed into the sweetness of grace. In this and in other ways are we given the divine grace and privilege of being a nutritious source of divine radiance and presence among our fellow sleeping human beings.
Easy to say and read. Not so easy to be mashed and boiled over and over. Ask any of my students how fun this can be. Serious work my friends. Hard work. On every level a test of faith and trust and love and commitment. Every aspect of the person goes through the refinement. Not everyone is up to this tremendous task and those who are are the truly blessed. These are those who will develop into the massive Kundalini oak tree of grace.- chrism