Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Insects to a light

From chrism -

All creation is driven to evolve. For the human, spiritual evolution will demand
Kundalini after a certain period of refinement. We are driven as insects to a
light to awaken that inner light that is really the engine of enlightenment in
the body. - chrism

A teacher of one

I am a teacher of one. I give and have given from every aspect of my being, all five bodies of expression into the teachings of the awakened Kundalini and as has been mentioned before the Kundalini will cross over all boundaries of societal acceptance and expectation. So I have crossed these boundaries and traditions and taboos and acceptance within the western societies. I am guilty of this and though it gives me no joy to disturb anyone's status quo it is what it is.
In the eyes of some humanity I am a bad guru. An abuser. A wicked womanizing culprit of dark intention. A cult leader of the worst kind. A savior. A mad man.
Of all of the goodness or hurtfulness that is done it will only be the assumed hurtful qualities that are remembered. I knew from the beginning that this was a possibility. That the Kundalini in me would not necessarily conform to the levels of Victorian standards of conduct. That any gift of mind, of body, of blood, of voice, of divine emanation would be pilloried and condemned. Forced into the judgment and accusations and domination of the un awakened or the struggling ego by those who want and now have but cannot keep or manage due to the excess of their little(i) the inner child, the ego and its affiliates.
Yet I engaged and continue to engage in any and all ways and means in passing the Kundalini grace into people. By the written word, the spoken word, the visual presence, the energetic presence, the total submersion into the grace of the Kundalini regardless of ego or of doubt or of self preservation within society, by pain, by pleasure, by the expression of the emotional body, the intellectual body the physical body, the psychological body, and the spiritual body, by strict spiritual discipline, by strict ego management, I have given and give and have been given to by the Kundalini for about ten years now. Kundalini knows what I do and fosters that doing.
I am enjoyed by some and really severely hated by others. I receive the gifts of grace and the gifts of people and I receive the death threats and the threats of violent dismemberment. I receive the compliments and the scorn. A full spectrum of opinion and judgment upon who I am and what I do. Yet I continue.
It is you the individual that is the final arbiter on what works or does not work for you. If Kundalini teaches anything it teaches that even through a teacher of Kundalini the importance of self discipline and of self assurance and of self responsibility, self validation and self management of our thoughts and actions is the individual responsibility. We don't like to read that or know that so much in the western societies or those that are changing their behaviors in that direction. It is a truth even so.
It is said that there is no one to tell me to STOP. Yet there is. The Kundalini tells me in very clear understandings what to do or not to do. Yet no one but me will feel that direction from grace and this disturbs some because they cannot partake of that correction. Their ego needs that sense of validation that they have course corrected me in some way. That they have now controlled chrism or punished him in such a way that he must now do things that THEY want or desire him to do in the way that THEY wish it to be. Even without the Kundalini if there is no one to read or hear these words, if nobody has interest then there is no harm done. We will often choose to believe in what resonates with our ego expectations of what is right or wrong. It is from there that we often make our choices.
Sometimes we want to blame and to be a victim. We want to attain and be known for greatness. We want to be seen as suffering as a way of gaining the validation of sympathy. We want to have an edge on others. What care we cannot provide for ourselves we search for in others through the actions and positions of being helplessly taken advantage of or receiving and learning what is being offered. By a person like me. We make our own choices.
Doesn't matter that I give freely to all. Doesn't matter that people get to choose and command in what way they would like to learn or receive the grace of the Kundalini. What matters to many is the want of ego aspirations of self absorption. Of ego validation. Of ego control. I do not typically allow this to occur and it can hurt those who are not willing to shift away from it. Sacred agreements are made and when they are broken serious results can be experienced. These sacred agreements are typically broken by the ego. Ego management and self correction can be very very difficult! Not easy at all to be sure but certainly a very strong pathway up the Kundalini mountain.
It is as a rule it seems that those who are assisted will not speak and those who are not assisted, in the way they wish, will complain (loudly). So it is with the teachings that I give and in the way they are given. I have many detractors and they are loud. So I write this as a WARNING to all of you to know and to feel and to think about as you read or participate in anything that I do or give or offer or suggest. I am a tainted teacher to many. A gross abuser. A bad guru. Or a very helpful one and life saver and a point of grace to others.
You decide.
Have the strength of character and integrity to make up your own mind and find it in your own internal integrity how you feel about what I do, why I do, and who I am before you take anything that I say or do as a benefit or a loss. blessings - chrism

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The First and the Second Laws - written by Chrism

The First and the Second Laws - written by Chrism
We live in accelerated times. With mass communication and the
ability to interact and share we have the opportunity to move in
ways not seen for many millennia.
Still no matter what occurs there is still the chopping of the wood and the hauling of the water. This meditation will always occur though in different ways. It is a comfort that can save your sense of self.
With the Kundalini you are introduced to a part of yourself that is
beyond the constraints and understanding of science. It is beyond
the constraints and understandings of religion and most understandings of esoteric subjects.
There is no control over a vast power. The vast power is there but
it isn't in the hands of your inner child or your ego self. The vast
power is in control of itself and is in the position of initiating
an agenda of its expression within you and upon you. Once it starts
there is no stopping. So please consider this before you begin to
seek it or to move into a greater expression of it.
You the person for much of the initial experience is being
controlled by this vast power we call Kundalini. This is what you
are looking at when you come here in search of information or the
activation of the Kundalini.
It will control you.
You will merely be along for the ride if you're a good kid. There
will be bathroom breaks and restaurants but only if you mind your
manners! - lol.
Please be prepared to surrender the control of your consciousness
and of your body. Give it up. Surrender completely and the rewards
are beyond words.
Just try to think about the meaning of the word "Divine."
What does that word mean to you?
How does that word fit into your every day life?
How does the word make you feel and what expectations do you perceive when you contemplate it?
It is in these areas that you are already or are considering to go.
So the first lesson is complete surrender.
Read the safeties and you will know that surrender is one of the first laws of the Kundalini.
Forgiveness is another law.
Forgiveness is the way of "surrendering" your anger and hurt and vengeance and pain and guilt. Also your fear and competition and ego and materialism and laziness. These also must be forgiven and surrendered.
Can you do this?
Is it in you?
Can you walk inside your integrity and honesty and say to me and everyone here that you can do even these first two laws?
It isn't a matter of being able to "take it" as one would grit their
teeth and take a beating.
It is a matter of being able to give up your control of how you have lived your life up to this point in your life.
Everything goes.
This is how one can "come as a child".
It is about releasing old patterns of expression in order to accept
new patterns of expression.
This surrender will extend into your knowledge base and your experience base and your expectation base.
Including the intelligence of "What you Know" as in your education
and your understanding of life.
All this will be changed.
So once again ask yourself if you are indeed prepared for this.
Are you tired of your enjoyments?
Are you satisfied with your life?
Are you happy and healthy and wealthy and wise?
Then what on earth is drawing you here?
This is all about the change of the inner and the outer person.
The next step in the evolution of humanity.
Perhaps it is this that draws you.
So once again discern your motivations.
- Just a few thoughts. - blessings all - chrism
© chrism 2008

Going out of duality

We as five sense beings do not understand very much at all about what lies beyond the five sense ego controlled reality that we live in. So anything outside of those parameters is difficult to understand and assimilate. Nothing is wrong and much can be healthy but without the context of our five sense physical reality there will most often be fear.
When fear and all of its effects upon the body and mind are mixed with the qualities of something like Kundalini then the amplification can be quite strong.
Going out of duality or out of the ego requires that we become aware of ourselves as more than a singularity of consciousness. More than a duality inside of a singularity or vice versa.- chrism

Friday, August 7, 2015

All aspects ever evolving.

We do not always speak from the ego. Certainly not when Kundalini is coming through. Yet ego is also within the ascension process and it is also learning and evolving and so it can be expressive in the ways that are noble and respectful of the shining qualities of grace. No part of us is stationary there is always movement towards enlightenment or away from it. Like the Kundalini we are also sine waves of expressive creation. - chrism