Monday, May 22, 2017

Kundalini Contract

Many of us have had excellent parental education about some of the basic tenants of the Kundalini awakening protocols. We have been taught to forgive and to do nice things for others and for society. We have been taught the difference between good actions and not so good actions, right and wrong according to the laws and programming of our particular society and how to move within the social boundaries of our culture.

This is not what the safeties are about.

These protocols are for the preparation and stability of a physical organism going through metaphysical transformation. When we demonstrate these actions of preparation and stability we are sending a very strong and clear message to that which is causing the transformation. We are sending a message through frequencies of thought, intention, and action that support these changes and actually encourage them within ranges of stability and knowledge. Knowledge given through the application of "specific knowledge" understood more as a language rather than mere collected information.

In many ways Kundalini flows along expressions of frequency. Love as a frequency or the many aspects of love as frequencies that flow and follow and build and replace other frequency structures that no longer serve the grace that has come into the individuals life. These emanations of grace form new bonds and new harmonic structures that serve as energetic relay points of love and its multi faceted expression of divine love throughout the five bodies of human expression.

A new blood of divine heritage the "Sang RĂ©al", the blood royal has been released into the system.

As one practices and begins to communicate the safeties protocols as a new intentional exclamation of intention into the Kundalini awakening agenda this language of the safeties begins to take shape and form into levels of trust between the individual and the Kundalini. A contract in many ways is being built upon trust and truth. A contract between the individual and the sacred divine Kundalini. This contract can save your life within the many changes that can come within the Kundalini transformation. It can also bring about the entrance of the Kundalini into the human system for those searching for its expression.

Practice these protocol's as if you are speaking the language of the divine. If you want the presence of the divine within you then learn to speak this language. Learn to speak it with truth and clarity backed up by truthful actions. Keep your agreements with this grace and it will keep its agreements with you. Break them? Sometimes second chances are not given and sometimes great trial and tribulation that perfectly matches the opposite of amazing and beautiful expressions of light and love and joy and bliss can be given in the form of shadow experiences that we may learn the value of such agreements.

These protocols are the language of divine Kundalini. Do not be fooled by their simplicity. Do not be lazy in their application and do make them an everyday occurrence in your life as you encounter the most powerful force a human can hold while still expressing through physical matter. - chrism

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