We are slaves to grace. This is a truth. Anything that can take a person over from within and change the life of that person or control the life in such drastic ways is indeed the master of that person.
Our sex life is controlled and changed by the Kundalini. Our dietary habits are controlled. Our sleeping patterns are controlled. Our energy requirements are controlled. Our physical movements are controlled. Our ability to think or focus and memory all are controlled by the Kundalini. We are often given only one option within the Kundalini and that is to surrender to it. Surrender to its administration and domination of our life. If she gives you to a physical teacher then you are slave to those teachings as well. It is an honor and a blessing to be so owned and operated, but I wont sugar coat this as it can be amazingly difficult too. The outcome is as close to the divine embodiment as the mundane flesh can become.
For it is in the mundane that we are able to hone the heavenly gifts that follow its ownership of our destiny and its direction of our transformation into the divine grace. We are becoming semi divine through the enlightenment that the awakened Kundalini provides. We are chained by the flesh to this earth yet free within the infinity of heaven. The two that are one and the one that is two.
By having the surrender placed upon the human in such a forceful and continuous way we are being placed within the pressure cooker of having to hone the skills of surrender before you are given the gifts of grace. This will ensure a quality of grace and divine skill that flows from you in as "surrendered to the divine within" way as possible. Not coming from the competitive, predator based motivations and thoughts and feelings of the ego.
As we are redirected by the Kundalini in our lives and in our expressions of life we learn that to resist is a mistake and that to surrender is to allow the grace of the divine to enter into us and to change what we once were into the expression of grace upon this world in physical form. We do this by having both the mundane skills and the heavenly skills at the same time.
It is in the dual world application of heavenly gifts and mundane gifts that we learn to discern the correct use of power from the divine point of reference rather than that of the ego.
By having this opportunity come to you in such a way speaks of the great gifts coming to you but also that the Kundalini wants you and is forcing you to let go of the old ideologies and expectations and attachments first before she places power in your conscious abilities. You must surrender as much as you can and even further than that as she takes you over. You must become a willing slave. lol. She wants you to become the servant first and the best possible servant before becoming the leader or the master. This surrender is also refining and sharpening all five bodies of the human into a vehicle that can express grace without ego involvement. From the Kundalini slave to the Kundalini grace. That is the price of your freedom. - chrism