Saturday, February 3, 2018

For the awakening Kundalini person

Please consider some new dietary and behavioral suggestions.

I will suggest that you take some buffered vit. C. complex 1000mgs with rutin, bioflavinols, and hesperiden. Daily with food (best in the morning.) Your adrenals have been maxed out and are trying to recover. Eat as natural a raw diet as you can arrange. Feel what it is your Kundalini wants you to eat. Keep your hydration levels strong and your electrolytes always present. Water, watermelon, coconut water and coconut milk and other nutrients are available for this.

I will suggest that all caffeine intake be discontinued. Caffeine drains the adrenal system. Take out all processed foods and white processed sugars, flours and sweeteners. No hot spices. No high fructose corn syrups at all. No alcohol or nicotine or any kind of drug, spice, or food that is artificial or used to enable nervous excitation.
Kundalini calls for enhanced levels of purity. A time and a way for the body to be within the Kundalini transformation with out being drained of the fluids and creative forces it needs to continue that transformation.

Retain your sperm. And or feminine sexual fluids. Do not lose your seed or sacred fluids as it is this that the Kundalini pulls back into the spinal cord. This is changed by the Kundalini into a vital substance that will begin the transformation of the endocrine system and it is this system that will regulate the levels of physical energy you may feel that you are not experiencing. This will vary by gender.

Have a blood test and see what your TSH levels are. But even if they are low and they want you to take thyroid meds. one may wish to realize that it is indeed the Kundalini that is causing this regardless of what science may tell you.
Hope this helps you and many blessings to you! - chrism

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