Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Walking Talking Holy Grails

You do realize that it is the Kundalini that is the Sangraal. The royal

blood. The sacred bloodline. It isnt blood at all but the energy of
the sacred marriage.

Kundalini fills the cup which is the body. It is the trinity and
the "Two that are One" We are walking and talking Holy Grails. It is
us and we are it. You are beginning to know this perhaps?

Kundalini is the highest that the physical can reach before it begins
to be absorbed into the spiritual dimension. It is the sacred bridge.
It is the real truth behind the many mysteries. - blessings dear
friends - chrism

© chrism 2008

Why does Kundalini Come?

If you are not searching for it and it isn't part of your life whydoes it come? Kundalini is a part of everyone. We all have it in our body. It is a bridge to the next evolutionary existence in the human being. It is a conscious and unconscious evolutionary transition.

Why a person would begin to express it without searching for it is
like asking why do eyes have the color green at birth. Can you
answer that? How do you know it was solely genetics?

To even begin to explain Kundalini one needs to step outside of
normal modes of scientific acceptability. Lately we have been
discussing Quantum Entanglement as a way of explaining the
possibility and viability of the Kundalini for the benefit of those
who depend upon science for their views on life.

In this area of thought we are all connected and all of creation is
connected to itself. In these varied connections are the expressions
of life and the miraculous existing side by side. With Kundalini
these two aspects of existence commingle into a blend of the
fantastic and the mundane.

In this context we need to consider the idea of reincarnation. That
there is something to the notion of a series of lives lived in the
flesh for the specific reason of soul evolution. Inside of this
concept we can also insert the idea that there are other rules that
come into play as well. Rules such as Karma or Free Will or Divine

These rules are also inter-connected and allow for certain goals of
development to be achieved. One of these goals is the interaction of
both the spiritual dimension and the physical dimension in ways that
are conscious and cogent within the two modalities of expression.
Meaning that both dimensions can be interacted with at the same
time. The bridge and the first cause of the interaction would be the

Kundalini is in the physical body and is felt in the physical body
but it is also of a spiritual form of expression. It is what it
gives us. It is of and for the physical and of and for the
spiritual. It causes a connection that is interactively tangible
between both dimensions.

It is a natural function of the human condition.

One could consider it a form of energetic spiritual puberty for
those that have come into its expressive transformations of the
physical body. It encompasses many of the mysteries of what is and
isn't in the areas of spiritual and energetic understandings as is
experienced by those inside of its agenda, It is not a common
condition as of yet. A very very small number of people are able to
truthfully claim this experience. Thousands if not millions strive
for its expression.

It is sought after by many for its gifts that can go beyond the
understandings of standard science and push the standard scientist
into the area of quantum entanglement for understanding. Kundalini
is the Holy Grail of the Arthurian legend. It is the gold from the
base metal in the alchemical practices of the last two thousand
years. It is the sacred bride and the sacred bridegroom. The Divine

Kundalini is the next step for those who will walk in both worlds.
The physical and the spiritual. It is a very powerful force of the
divine seeded into the body of every human being.

If a person practices Yoga or other forms of meditation or martial
arts practice and spiritual or energetic practices and they have in
them the pre ordained propensity for Kundalini expression. These
practices will not have been accidental. They will have been for the
purpose of awakening the Kundalini. Whether they know it, or accept
it, or understand it, or not. And from this awakening they are given
into the destiny that they themselves have chosen when taking the
body for the expression of a human life.

Doesn't have to be a practice that does it. It can be an automotive
accident or a sports injury or a medical crisis or an emotional
emergency. There are many vectors for its expression. But they do
need to have the propensity for the awakening.

This includes even knowing about it and even being in the vicinity
when the word Kundalini is spoken or written. Doesn't mean one will
automatically awaken it. Some need to adopt a practice for it. Some
need to condition and strive.

Some people have very strong personality traits that will not allow
for a smooth and open experience with the Kundalini. It wil come and
they will resist it and many of them will suffer in pain and torment
for many years. I did. Many will commit suicide rather than
experience phenomena that does not fit there idea of how the world
is "supposed" to be.

Many will go to the medical industry and be given the heaviest of
tranquilizers for the chemical imprisonment and amelioration of the
symptoms. Some few will seek it out and nurture it. Some few will
have it come naturally and will be able to explore it and help
others explore it and find the signposts left in the ancient texts
that describe how to live when Kundalini active. How to express and
allow the agenda to be completed. How to encourage the evolution of
the soul by encouraging the interactions between the two worlds.

Kundalini comes because it is time for that individual, consciously
or not, to have it come into the understanding and the expression of
the divine within them. All of the major religions have words that
describe a condition that is similar to Kundalini expression.

Holy fire of Christ - Christian
Holy Fire - Christian
Holy Spirit- Christian

Dumo fire - Buddhist
Greater Kan and Li - Chinese Tao
Tumo Fire - Tibetan Buddhist

Sufi Latifas - Islamic
Red Serpent - Shamanic
Kundalini - Sanskriti

Kundalini is present in every culture and society because it is part
of the human anatomy. When it expresses in a person there is a
definite reason for its expression and a person denies that
expression at their own risk.

It comes to assist a person into the next stage of expression.
However that person can come to terms with this reality will
determine their level of interaction within them selves and the
first and second worlds of expression.

It can be very good or very difficult. However it goes though it is
sure to be an "interesting" journey. - my take - chrism

© chrism 2008

We Walk in Exaltation

With the Kundalini comes an internal spiritual renaissance. As we flow through the infusion and the changes in all the bodies of expression become more and more pronounced we become aware of the many attitudes and emotional expressions of those around us. It is a form of mental and emotional telepathy.

This can feel very toxic and can allow the feelings of forming opinions or Judgments about other people. Through forgiveness is the way given. Through forgiveness is the place of non - judgment shown.

As we walk through the populations and we read the energies of molesters and thieves and rapists and murderers. We forgive as we go. It is not for us to judge these brothers and sisters. It is for us to light the way for their own self realizations of how to come into harmony with their current and past deeds and we do this through an ever present forgiveness.

At first it can be shocking to feel these expressive frequencies as if we are voyeurs into the dark secrets of another's mind. And yes we are aware of these "secrets" which are only secrets to the majority of the mortals but not to the spiritual. Everything we have done is there for all to see from a spiritual vantage point so there is no hiding. We see these expressions and sometimes feel them as well. And when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or matching experiences we may have had in previous existences. From that forgiveness we attain neutrality.

From neutrality are we able to show an expression of non partisan reverential love for all of our fellow mortals. For all of creation from spirits to incarnated spirits are we able to flow the divine natures that are give to us from the Kundalini.

We are indeed conscious bastions of divine love from which a special frequency of love is able to be given to others from the mere radiations of the Kundalini. But we must open to it consciously with in our awakening process. Just to have spinal sweeps and Kundalini activation isn't enough. Those are the mere preliminaries of what is being gifted to the individual. The invitations to the dance.

The individual still must act upon those gifts.

So the safeties can help the activated and awakening individual attain into the higher expressions as well as the inactivated become activated.

As we share in the finer and denser frequency emanations of our brothers and sisters and fellow mortals we are being offered the gifts of holy integrity. We must nurture these gifts and respect and honor the integrities that they represent. We must act upon these gifts in order to activate and plant their seeds within us. - blessings - chrism

© chrism 2008

Typically Strange and Scary!

OH!!! UGH!! OH! (pant pant) UH OOHH!!! Then silence except for some

strangled noises as the back arches and the energy shoots out the
top of the skull. Ecstacyyyyyyyy!!! At one with all creation! At one

This is how a sudden expression of Kundalini can feel though words
will never approach it.

Then you may hear your name being called when nobody is in the room
except you. Or you may see the floating lights that nobody sees
except you. Its easy to read of these experiences not so easy to
experience these experiences.

Thus begins the break down of a persons basic reality. The laws of
science go flying out the window as the room is filled with the
sounds of a million crickets or bees that are humming every where
but there are no crickets to be seen and no bees to be found and yet
there is that humming and chirping! And lets not forget the flute
players! Hi guys!

The dreams are filled with snakes and spiders and people with
glowing blue eyes. "YIKES" Dis-embodied eyes are floating around and
somehow the smell of incense and roses has come into your home and
your not burning it! Yep the deep end has come and your swimming in

And now fear has begun to creep more expressivly into your thoughts.

"Am I nuts? Did I really see that dancing blue girl and did she
really change into a snake and go into my closet? I will NEVER go
into that closet to find out!"

Now the consciousness starts to scatter as fear and doubt of mental
stability fall away into a knowing that reality has gone somewhere

A feeling you are in trouble ticks away in what is left of your mind.

Paranoia is next on the menu as the kidneys expand and the adrenals
pump out the epinephrine. Fighting and fleeing only works when it
isnt internal to the body.

"Who said that?"
"Oh... that was me. Oh Sh&t!"
"I am still me...I am still me...I am still meee...

(insert theme from twilight zone here)

"OK OK THAT was me. But I know "their" listening to me! Whoever they

"I am nuts?! Ahhhh! Yippeeee! Except.....except.... I dont
really...feel nuts. I feel like the same old me. This cant be a hang
over as I havent seen "HER" for about six months. She of the
double margarita's.

But I MUST BE. But it doesnt feel like I am. But I cannot be seeing

AAAnd so it goes for those of us who do not know about Kundalini or
the awakening process. Sometimes years can go by and many stays at
the local psyche ward and even then the symptoms are merely put on
hold or become twisted into worse forms than before. Drugs can do
that with Kundalini.

For those of you searching for this expression these scenarios may
occur for you but the difference is the fear will not be so
complete. For you, I or someone else who has experienced and who knows will be here and your journey will be
understood. Much of the fear is about not knowing what is going on.
So no worries! - blessings - chrism

© chrism 2008


Ascension is what the Kundalini process brings. It is one of the gifts. It is also the gift that one "is".

Yes one still has free will and choices are made to stay and help. These choices are made outside of an ascension platform though. The ascension choices are made from a vastly expanded knowledge base about the workings of the soul journey and the expression of spirit in a body. Karma and the plan of learning of the soul are also understood far better than is currently available in a non Kundalini awakened body and consciousness.

One knows ascension is available. One knows that the many options that are open to choose to express from are there and with in reach. One can see them and feel them and they are a fact of opportunity and existence for the person reaching into these areas. One can see far beyond these mere opportunities as well. Ascension is almost like a conscious death to continued expression in the physical.

The gift of ascension is like being consumed by intelligent loving radiance. The radiance is the divine quality of the person overcoming the physical constraints of the material physical body and moving into the expression of pure energy.

Pure intelligent energy. The body atomic structure is increased in its spin and expression. These also become saturated with the divine expression and they are consumed by the radiance. Everything of a physical body nature goes with you if you choose it to be so. Most do not choose this but some do.

The heavenly fields do not experience life and consciousness as we here in the body experience these qualities. There are very few limits to what can be known and understood in these areas of expression. Divinity is huge and miniature at the same time and dualities do not exist as we in the limited flesh awareness know duality to be and yet they do. Compression of knowledge and its comprehension is extremely different in these areas.

The spiritual planes of expression are not like the physical dimensions and any comparison is merely a small gift of reference given by divinity that a person can even begin to understand. All wants and desires have been smoothed. All concerns and even love of the physical existence is not even considered. The larger picture of ascension is as an ocean to the single drop of water of the consciousness we express from.

With ascension we are that drop and we are that ocean at the same time. Outside of duality and with in it. Non dual systems are not easily comprehended by those in a dualistic existence. So the picture I am giving here is very poor compared to the experience of what is given.

In another example one becomes the individual cell of a body and yet retains the full knowledge and activity of the complete body and all of the cells that comprise it. Separate and yet combined.

So it isn't really appropriate to make plans about ascension. You do not as yet have enough information about your reason for even being here. Ascension isn't an escape from pain or a place to ride out the storm.

It is the next expression of beingness outside of the human condition. This includes the reincarnation of lives into the flesh. Ascension is beyond even that. We are not sum and total biological beings that end in death. We are far more than that. And in that potential is an unlimited factor of grace that is available to us to reach for and to be reached from. Grace is the next stop. What is done with the human expression inside of the grace that comes from the Kundalini is what will determine your choices and options regarding ascension.

Nobody is an island. We are all connected. So think about that and then consider what occurs as you stand next to someone with your Kundalini flowing. As they stand inside of your radiance what do you think is happening to them and their potential for reaching into the grace of the Kundalini and then further into the choices of ascension. What Karma if any do you add to your responsibilities? You are as your fellow human is and they are as you are. The difference is in the ability to hold specific frequency of divine expression. Ascension is beyond that connection and yet part of it. We give of grace that which we do not know, as ego expressions, what is given. Not everyone is ready for it and yet the potential is there.

The first threshold is the Kundalini.

So I hope this is at least a little bit more of an explanation that can clear up some of the misconceptions about ascension that stem largely from the avoidance of pain and disaster and calamity. No one wants to experience this and so the idea of being swept away by divinity in a great ascension wave is given to those who will wish for divine intervention rather than make the needed changes to help themselves and others survive what the future brings.

Kundalini is the divine intervention. Kundalini is that connecting force of the divine into the physical mundane. As we practice and strive and surrender to the Kundalini within so do we build the platform of the ascension within us. And when that occurs the knowledge will flow and the understandings will be given and you will know why you are here. You will have an understanding of the Karmic process that has brought you into this expression.

When that occurs your choices regarding ascension will be far clearer to you than my meager words can give answer to. However at this time let the Kundalini continue its agenda with you. Let it make the changes and surrender completely to the Kundalini. Change your life and the way you live your life by following those divine intuitions that the awakened Kundalini will bring. Let it flow through you and allow for the evolution of every cell in your body and match these changes by evolving the way you think and feel about others and yourself.

Reflect those changes by making the behavioral modifications that are needed. The dietary modifications that are needed. The activity based modifications that are directed upon you from the Kundalini. Let it change every aspect of who you are. Trust in the divine expression of the Kundalini upon you and as you do so your knowledge base will expand far beyond its current parameters. Your intuitive base will build and your understanding and your love and your astonishment of the depth and vastness of the grace that drives you will open up the ascension channels within. From these channels will come to you the information that you will need it even understand what it means to enter into the ascension process - blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2008

Snakes Spiders Tigers Gods and Goddesses

Any one or a number of these can visit you when the Kundalini is even beginning to be sought by an person. These will most often come into the dream life at first and then expand into the waking life but with different dynamics than the dream life. Yes the many floating lights and some minor phenomena will come too. But for a clear indication from a long history of symbols used to announce the beginning of the Kundalini these forms are often the ones most used by the Kundalini.

Serpents big or small are one of the most common forms used. You may see them in waking visions or the dream life or in your conscious life as there is a bleed through between the realities when you begin to walk the Kundalini path.

These serpents may try to bite you or if it is big enough try to eat you. This is to be embraced. Yes that's right you are to let the snake bite you or eat you it is a fear test. I saw serpents as big as buses or locomotives when I began this path about twenty years ago. The whole idea is to get you used to understand experience isn't always as it is on the physical and yet it is also. There are compressions of experience that merge. When the serpent eats you, you are immediately given a large dose of the Shakti. Tingles and love and energetic quiverings all over the "physical" body. As much as you can handle at that point. You are being rewarded for your:

Lack of fear
Your surrender

You have successfully braved the awesome idea of being consumed by a giant snake! Some of you will have an instant knowledge that this "is what to do" others will run every where they can run to, to escape the serpent.

The serpent is the Kundalini Shakti. It is this form that corresponds most with the human spine. The human spine is seen as a serpent standing on its tail and if you view a human spine you will see that yes indeed the natural "S" curve of the spine does resemble this. Kundalini infuses the spine and it is dormant at the base of the spine. When it comes up it can feel as if there is a serpent inside of you wiggling around - no joke!

So this initial fear test though not always given in that scenario is a way of conditioning you to let go of your fear of the unknown. As most of Kundalini will be received as an unknown by you. The phenomena alone can boggle the mind.

So know this and internalize this so that it reaches into your dreaming body. You will be tested and tested and you may even hear these words spoken to you from somewhere in your consciousness as other aspects of who you are indeed taking note of this information.

Spiders are also experienced though not as much as the serpents. You may see huge spiders the size of dinner plates riding a web just a few feet from you. I also had these experiences at first. The common reaction is to "JUMP!" So you jump and then when your conscious mind remembers you will make the associations as you will never find the spiders anywhere In your house or near you.

These spiders are another aspect of the Kundalini Shakti. Another way of testing your ability to understand and not fear the multiple shapes and sizes of the forms this force can assume. And there are even deeper esoteric meanings "why" these forms are used. Such as in this case how we navigate the "web" of life. Or how we can exist on the razor thin edge of spiders silk. Or the strength of the spider silk when multiplied to the extreme and so forth. Some Native American's saw the spider as an embodiment of a female goddess who was an integral part of their way of life.

The Dineh' peoples of the southwest USA worship the "Spider Woman" and they attribute to her their knowledge of weaving the beautiful blankets and clothing that they have become known for around the world. The name "Dineh'" means "The People' and this is what they call themselves. Other people know them as the Navajo.

They even have a children's story about the Spider Woman. This is merely one example but like the serpent the spider is worshipped and honored by many cultures through out the world as beings of guidance and bearing the gifts of knowledge and it is these aspects that I will ask you to consider as they appear to you in your Kundalini and pre Kundalini experiences.

Tigers have a long history of representing strength and power and death. Even today in an area near Bangladesh people are still being eaten by tigers. They have a very pronounced and fierce countenance and when they are seen inside of a waking or sleeping vision they are to be loved and respected but not run from!

The tiger will lie down upon a person sometimes and sleep with them as a way of letting the person know it's OK. Do not fear. They can also form into fierce aspects of protection when the person is still in the stages of feeling they need protection. They can act as warnings of impending phenomena or activities as well. So there are many stories and teachings about tigers, too many to go into in this short outline.

Gods such as Christ or Krishna, or Shiva or Buddha or Mary, Shakti, Tara, or even those with whom you have no conscious knowledge of will come to you and visit you or just stand at the foot of your bed while you stare at them in wide awake disbelief! This is not uncommon. They will talk with you in your dreams or your waking state and one must take care in their exuberance and excitement not to tell the wrong person they were talking to Christ in their bedroom. That might not go well. True as it may be our western society isn't quite prepared for that yet so do be careful!

All of this that I have described happens. It is as real as the shoes on your feet and the fridge in the kitchen. This is a new world and in this world are sprinkled aspects of our normal world but with different meanings. We must be prepared to meet this world with open arms and open hearts and not to become wrapped up in the fears of what is shown to us because the meanings are different when it comes to the Kundalini. We walk slowly and enjoy the views and we run from nothing. – blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2008

Kundalini Abundance

We are not islands even though we have individuality. We share the same air and walk the same world. We eat of nature from her broad and gracious offerings. The stars in the night sky shine for us no matter where we stand on this beautiful orb we call home.

Yet inside of our individuality we have our own unique expressions of potentials. It is these potentials that can offer us an insight into the many paths up the mountain towards enlightenment. Kundalini will activate these potentials within us and carry us into and upon those paths of enlightenment.

Kundalini itself has a similar agenda of transformation within each of us. It can bring an extreme abundance of grace and the fruits of grace into our expression in a very short space of time. Our understandings of life and our understandings of how we as individuals fit into our world can receive a severe shock of an expanded experience as our familiar little reality is opened up into a much larger one. Kundalini is this doorway into an expanded reality. It is a threshold brimming with abundance.

We are given so much opportunity inside of these changes for appreciation and knowledge yet at first the most abundant quality is often that of fear. We are afraid of the unknown and it is the unknown that we experience when the Kundalini is awakened within us. It doesn't have to be this way for long periods of time and yet everyone has their own unique conditioning factors that allow for them the time they need to balance inside of the massive mysteries that are offered and directly experienced.

Like the fruit of a tree or the seeds given therein the Kundalini will place abundant immeasurable gifts upon the person. Love as sweet as can be imagined and so strong it can hurt is often experienced. When one can move out of their own way by retraining the ego one can begin to taste of these "Fruits of the Spirit".

But not only for the awakened individual are these fruits offered. When one is gifted with the matured awakened Kundalini everything that the Kundalini radiance falls upon is graced. Everything from the rocks and plants to the animals and even the air is given a higher charge of the qualities of pregnant creativity and potent possibilities inside of the gifts of the divine. Make no mistake Kundalini is an entrance into the direct interaction with the most powerful force in the multiverse, the divine.

So the actual possibilities are without end. Divinity has no limitations inside of the material universe. Its abundance is without measure. And it is into this abundance of love and joy and opportunity and creation that we travel as it is opened to us when we take our first steps off the threshold of light.

Now we walk in both worlds.

The physical and the sublime share our consciousness and our bodies as we learn to walk like enlightened children in this new and yet familiar expression of a double reality. We can now see spiritual beings and interact with others of our former nature through means which would have seemed impossible if not laughable before the awakening.

Here is abundance with infinity of expression behind our eyes and heart. We walk at the same time in a world of perceived inadequacy of possession and poverty of love and of care and of gratitude. We cannot help but shower radiance upon all of those who encounter our presence and follow in the footsteps of the enlightened sole. We are abundance incarnate! Love incarnate! Grace incarnate!

The Kundalini awake are the germinated seeds of the divine reborn into the flesh of humanity. We count our numbers few but it only takes a few to begin the enlightenment of the many. Our abundance is in our actions of love upon our brothers and sisters. We are given that which can engender greatness in a person even the un-awakened one as the divine potential permeates the air they breathe.

They will not know from where this enlightened wind blows but the trees of the heart will bend as the love is released into its open flow. The deserts of pain will be watered and the knowledge of compassionate service and extreme spiritual association will be experienced as the Kundalini walks past and then into them.

This is the beginning of the gifts that come with an awakening. Even inside of the gifts there is work to be done and a maturation to be striven for. The newly awakened person must learn how to allow the ego to unclench its control over the daily activities of the individual. The person must completely surrender to the divine agenda of change the Kundalini will bring into and upon the physical body. The mental and the emotional consciousness will need to constantly adjust and re-adjust as the dimensions of the gifts are continuously expanded.

So the work is always present even in the next phase of human evolution. The work continues as we climb out of the darkness of the material into the limitless potentials of enlightenment. – blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2008

Full Power Kundalini

We are like children in so many ways. We have our perceived needs and wants and desires and we will fulfill those in any way we can. Through anger or love we will pursue our desires. We will force our way or cajole our way or beg our way into getting what we want. We would use the awesome power of divinity to fulfill desires born of flesh and the limited perceptions of society.

So we are taught slowly and in some cases painfully to be aware of what it is we do and why we do it and how what we do has effect upon others. We learn in these ways as a child learns to stand and to walk. We fall down and are encouraged to get up and try again.

In limited consciousness there is much left out of the picture. It is left out on purpose so that a person through trial and error, through learning and application can begin to understand the enormity of what we are beyond the five sense paradigm.

If this time and patience were not given we would destroy ourselves and this planet in less than a day. We wouldn't even try to condition our thinking or our expressions we would simply dominate for selfish purposes. This is for the vast majority of the population and for the vast majority of the Kundalini populations as well.

We are still in the classroom here. There is a reason for this. We are still learning how to think in ways that are not destructive. Even for ourselves must we learn to think in ways that are not harmful to us. The human race is not ready for the responsibility of the full discourse and discharge of the human divine potential upon the material plane.

So we take it in small pieces.

We learn how to express inside of the divine gifts that come to us in small and humble ways. Sometimes it seems with a brutal force of nature but in reality it is a mere parental kindness of the kiss of a mother on a child's face in comparison to what is there to give. Kundalini is not to be underestimated. It is a popular term now and is bandied about like vanilla ice cream. And we do so as a testament to our innocence. As we lick the Kundalini cone we do not in any way come close to understanding what it is we are doing.

Full Kundalini awakenings are not the ultimate E- ticket ride at Disneyland. They can dramatically shorten the life span of a person if that person doesn't have certain information that brings their body the nourishment and balance it needs to even hold "the divine force" inside of a limited compact flesh vehicle.

This nourishment isn't merely of physical food. It is of our thoughts and feelings and the actions we make based upon those thoughts and feelings. This is also nourishment. As important as food will ever be to the physical body so are these as needed by the physical Kundalini divine body.

Our thoughts and feelings are as real as the physical food we eat. They are so real that a mere thought or feeling will have the effect of Kundalini excitation. Similarly the sound of a voice or certain music or the source of a loving interaction can all bring Kundalini activity upon the five bodies of expression.

We are not gifted with full Kundalini power as we struggle inside of brutal physicality. As we strive to survive. We are given small gifts of its wonder. Even in the energetic upgrading of the five bodies of expression we are given only that for which we can grow with. These upgrades are as a preparation for the person should they be able to go further into the divine expression. For what we have accomplished in the control of our thoughts and emotions and fears we are given spinal sweeps and glimpses of a vastness beyond comprehension. And even then we are given teachings that can bring instant calamity or send us further on our joyful way. For as we go we must practice what we have learned with consistency as not doing so will have consequences. We are still children.

So we learn and appreciate and move forward. We change who and what we have been in order to be who and what we can become. It is not preordained. We have "choice" and we have "will" and we can decide the speed of our ascent. It can become a pain to remain in the same class repeatedly so we are compelled by our own inner drives to learn certain lessons.

It can become difficult for one to stay here on this world with stronger expressions of the Kundalini divine body. Even with infinitesimal expressions of the Kundalini will these feelings arise and more Kundalini doesn't make it better it merely makes it that much more important for the person to learn how to control their thinking and feelings and fear.

We are indeed made to have and to hold the Kundalini and its divine transformations upon our physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual bodies. Yes this is the divine gift. Yet in order to receive this gift without harm we must bring ourselves up to the task of learning how to have and to hold it.

Just like fire was to the early primate. One would typically learn through a painful trial and error. Same with electricity and atomic energy. We learn slowly as a population. But we can learn very quickly as individuals especially when we step outside of the herd.

So unless you have learned the nuances of the lessons of Kundalini and have learned to control your thoughts and feelings and fears now in this life do not expect to have the full dose of Kundalini for it surely would kill you. Just like a kid playing with fire near a fifty gallon gas tank.

Take the gift in small doses and learn to apply what you have learned and do this with constancy and deliberation. Use the skill sets that come to enhance your new knowledge and propel you into a stronger understanding and expression.

We go very fast in our society. We learn a subject in a certain amount of time and have certain expectations of the knowledge being attained in very specific ways. A doctor or a lawyer or an engineer has certain educational requirements that are expected of them by themselves and by the society they reside in. So it is with the Kundalini except it is a much broader subject and society doesn't know anything about it generally. It is incredibly vast and will fill many "lifetimes" of learning for an individual.

So give it some time.

At least as much time as you would for any other extended subject matter. Your patience and diligence will pay off but you must give it a priority worthy of its gifts. (That's a trick statement. Think about that for a bit) Until you do so your experiences with it will be limited to mere sensation (maybe).

Some of us have entered into this study before but were only able to come a certain part of the way before death overcame us in other existences. So here we are again learning to swim all over again but it comes much easier and the education sticks and holds without as much effort. For those of us in that classroom you will understand the "pull" to learn and the impetus to learn the tools of navigation. Your understandings will often come without the urging of a teacher especially in areas that you have already spent some time with in another life episode. So you move faster and have more phenomena and this is good!

As you know the lessons still remain. You still get to overcome the blind obedience to physical and emotional urges and thoughts and fears. It comes to you quickly but these are the tools of navigation and so you learn them as you learn to stand, walk, run, drive a car. The education is repeated and you can once again approach these areas with a strong format of understanding. You will take this as far as you can go and you may take it all of the way out of physical expression. Doesn't mean you die. Something else occurs! I won't ruin the surprise.

I write this in order to help us place the idea of Full Power Kundalini on an unconditioned body into a perspective that will help you make some important choices for yourself. Are you willing to go as far as you can? Are you willing to make changes? How important is the Kundalini to you? Why are you seeking it?

Think about these questions and answer them for yourself as best and as honestly as you can. Realize that as we learn to navigate the physical body we must relearn what it is to navigate a body awakening to the Kundalini. Like the physical body is to an infant Kundalini is a whole new set of expressions and they all contribute to the way we are in the early divine state. – blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2009

The Sacred Threshold

At-oneness is indeed a simulacrum of the true reality. And as death approaches it is this state that will beckon one to step into the truth of ones existence. Not to say that death is eminent or fast approaching but that it is always there. A hidden gift surrounded by fear, lest people abandon the lessons to soon.

You are, we are, all at oneness with each other and all creation. All the time without knowing it. We wear blinders and follow straight and narrow paths that we may focus on the tasks at hand. Paths that will lead us onwards towards a sacred and divine companionship such as the Kundalini.

An individual must complete some lessons before that however. Nobody is excluded from this process except as their own self dictates. These lessons are similar and different for each person. Some helpful areas of expression during these lessons are:Being an excellent parent and lover and productive in the societal responsibilities.Being helpful and harmless towards ones fellow creatures or as John Muir put it, being kind to all fellow mortals.

It is uncommon for one to be guided into evil and hurtful situations but this does occur sometimes as petty tyrants help others to burn the dross from their souls faster then others who aren’t put into that kind of pressure and so a petty tyrant will serve a purpose. And the petty tyrant will receive that service another time. We take turns helping each other in the All that Is. Karma will ask this of us.

As a soul reaches a certain level in the course work, one is exposed to higher and higher states of being. Higher and lower are only serving as a reference in this limited physical reality for organizing these concepts in a way that is recognizable for you here and now. As one reaches these areas a great thirst for knowledge ensues and is forever incorruptible in its never ending search for the well springs and ambrosia of divine truth and love.

As these doors open for you so too must you open your doors to it.Complete surrender to these forces of God and oneness is the lesson and the reward. As you begin to see outside your fears of the unknown and reach into the threshold of oneness and joy, an expansion of self will be your experience and yes, a multi-sensorial and multi-dimensional scattering of your intact awareness will occur.

You will be ’At one" with all creation and yourself at the same time.Starting here on this world and then, as you evolve, to all creation.You are now cautiously approaching this threshold. Beginning to question your physical existence and its effects upon your spiritual growth. From job and relationship to survival. Of course any job will compete for your attentions and distract you from your goal. This will and perhaps is happening to you right now.

So does social acceptance and traditional values sometimes take a person away from their truth and power. This is merely more course work. The balance is found eventually.Soon you will not be concerned about how others feel about you. Or wish to continue the political struggling within the construct of a University of Mental prowess and reach instead for a University of Allness, encompassing the social, and physical structural norms but going much further into the Quantum as the physicists like to use.

The Kundalini is the key for the lock on the door. It is the sacred rupture of the physical into the Divine. Birth into an awareness of divine transition, tracking the process that is usually clouded by death but now illuminated from within and loved and cherished and never forgotten.

It can be said with utter truthfulness that death is being experienced by you now, and life is being experienced by you now, at the same time, in its full strength and glory but without the cessation of life in the physical organism. A gift of creation to live and die continuously.This is our destiny as we incarnate the temple of flesh.

Your progress towards the physical divine will depend upon how steep you wish your learning curve to be and how soon your physical death is in its pursuit of you along the linear temporal line that we all follow. Your river of time. Your decisions can change its course.Will it be sooner or later? There is no rush. Neither is laziness a virtue.

This time line will be determined by you. My teaching to you is to stop being controlled by your fears in all forms, without stepping into self annihilation. Stay alive and witness the event of death without dying! Enlightenment and divine love! Step through the sacred doorway and transit it as one uses a doorway. At will! Bringing your gifts back to those who will be thirsting for such knowledge - blessings to all who cross this threshold and to those who do not– chrism