Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Full Power Kundalini

We are like children in so many ways. We have our perceived needs and wants and desires and we will fulfill those in any way we can. Through anger or love we will pursue our desires. We will force our way or cajole our way or beg our way into getting what we want. We would use the awesome power of divinity to fulfill desires born of flesh and the limited perceptions of society.

So we are taught slowly and in some cases painfully to be aware of what it is we do and why we do it and how what we do has effect upon others. We learn in these ways as a child learns to stand and to walk. We fall down and are encouraged to get up and try again.

In limited consciousness there is much left out of the picture. It is left out on purpose so that a person through trial and error, through learning and application can begin to understand the enormity of what we are beyond the five sense paradigm.

If this time and patience were not given we would destroy ourselves and this planet in less than a day. We wouldn't even try to condition our thinking or our expressions we would simply dominate for selfish purposes. This is for the vast majority of the population and for the vast majority of the Kundalini populations as well.

We are still in the classroom here. There is a reason for this. We are still learning how to think in ways that are not destructive. Even for ourselves must we learn to think in ways that are not harmful to us. The human race is not ready for the responsibility of the full discourse and discharge of the human divine potential upon the material plane.

So we take it in small pieces.

We learn how to express inside of the divine gifts that come to us in small and humble ways. Sometimes it seems with a brutal force of nature but in reality it is a mere parental kindness of the kiss of a mother on a child's face in comparison to what is there to give. Kundalini is not to be underestimated. It is a popular term now and is bandied about like vanilla ice cream. And we do so as a testament to our innocence. As we lick the Kundalini cone we do not in any way come close to understanding what it is we are doing.

Full Kundalini awakenings are not the ultimate E- ticket ride at Disneyland. They can dramatically shorten the life span of a person if that person doesn't have certain information that brings their body the nourishment and balance it needs to even hold "the divine force" inside of a limited compact flesh vehicle.

This nourishment isn't merely of physical food. It is of our thoughts and feelings and the actions we make based upon those thoughts and feelings. This is also nourishment. As important as food will ever be to the physical body so are these as needed by the physical Kundalini divine body.

Our thoughts and feelings are as real as the physical food we eat. They are so real that a mere thought or feeling will have the effect of Kundalini excitation. Similarly the sound of a voice or certain music or the source of a loving interaction can all bring Kundalini activity upon the five bodies of expression.

We are not gifted with full Kundalini power as we struggle inside of brutal physicality. As we strive to survive. We are given small gifts of its wonder. Even in the energetic upgrading of the five bodies of expression we are given only that for which we can grow with. These upgrades are as a preparation for the person should they be able to go further into the divine expression. For what we have accomplished in the control of our thoughts and emotions and fears we are given spinal sweeps and glimpses of a vastness beyond comprehension. And even then we are given teachings that can bring instant calamity or send us further on our joyful way. For as we go we must practice what we have learned with consistency as not doing so will have consequences. We are still children.

So we learn and appreciate and move forward. We change who and what we have been in order to be who and what we can become. It is not preordained. We have "choice" and we have "will" and we can decide the speed of our ascent. It can become a pain to remain in the same class repeatedly so we are compelled by our own inner drives to learn certain lessons.

It can become difficult for one to stay here on this world with stronger expressions of the Kundalini divine body. Even with infinitesimal expressions of the Kundalini will these feelings arise and more Kundalini doesn't make it better it merely makes it that much more important for the person to learn how to control their thinking and feelings and fear.

We are indeed made to have and to hold the Kundalini and its divine transformations upon our physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual bodies. Yes this is the divine gift. Yet in order to receive this gift without harm we must bring ourselves up to the task of learning how to have and to hold it.

Just like fire was to the early primate. One would typically learn through a painful trial and error. Same with electricity and atomic energy. We learn slowly as a population. But we can learn very quickly as individuals especially when we step outside of the herd.

So unless you have learned the nuances of the lessons of Kundalini and have learned to control your thoughts and feelings and fears now in this life do not expect to have the full dose of Kundalini for it surely would kill you. Just like a kid playing with fire near a fifty gallon gas tank.

Take the gift in small doses and learn to apply what you have learned and do this with constancy and deliberation. Use the skill sets that come to enhance your new knowledge and propel you into a stronger understanding and expression.

We go very fast in our society. We learn a subject in a certain amount of time and have certain expectations of the knowledge being attained in very specific ways. A doctor or a lawyer or an engineer has certain educational requirements that are expected of them by themselves and by the society they reside in. So it is with the Kundalini except it is a much broader subject and society doesn't know anything about it generally. It is incredibly vast and will fill many "lifetimes" of learning for an individual.

So give it some time.

At least as much time as you would for any other extended subject matter. Your patience and diligence will pay off but you must give it a priority worthy of its gifts. (That's a trick statement. Think about that for a bit) Until you do so your experiences with it will be limited to mere sensation (maybe).

Some of us have entered into this study before but were only able to come a certain part of the way before death overcame us in other existences. So here we are again learning to swim all over again but it comes much easier and the education sticks and holds without as much effort. For those of us in that classroom you will understand the "pull" to learn and the impetus to learn the tools of navigation. Your understandings will often come without the urging of a teacher especially in areas that you have already spent some time with in another life episode. So you move faster and have more phenomena and this is good!

As you know the lessons still remain. You still get to overcome the blind obedience to physical and emotional urges and thoughts and fears. It comes to you quickly but these are the tools of navigation and so you learn them as you learn to stand, walk, run, drive a car. The education is repeated and you can once again approach these areas with a strong format of understanding. You will take this as far as you can go and you may take it all of the way out of physical expression. Doesn't mean you die. Something else occurs! I won't ruin the surprise.

I write this in order to help us place the idea of Full Power Kundalini on an unconditioned body into a perspective that will help you make some important choices for yourself. Are you willing to go as far as you can? Are you willing to make changes? How important is the Kundalini to you? Why are you seeking it?

Think about these questions and answer them for yourself as best and as honestly as you can. Realize that as we learn to navigate the physical body we must relearn what it is to navigate a body awakening to the Kundalini. Like the physical body is to an infant Kundalini is a whole new set of expressions and they all contribute to the way we are in the early divine state. – blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2009

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