Friday, September 6, 2019

Snake Dance

Someday you may find yourself being forced by the Kundalini to walk in a certain way. Its a bobbing and weaving sort of walk. A gyrating and spiral way of moving within the idea of what we would call walking or standing still. This is the snake dance.
Named for the Shakti serpent that is bringing this to the individual. Some 30 percent of Kundalini activating people will have this occur within their Kundalini process. It is varied in its expression so not the same for everyone.
These are a series of Kriya, spontaneous movements of the physical body, that will not follow the commands of the ego self completely as a normal person would experience. The Kriyas blend into the normal modes of movement such as walking and in that blending the movement itself is changed. One may start to stagger or lean one way or another. Sometimes even looking a bit inebriated but that is not the case. Eventually a rhythm is found and so it becomes a dance.
Because it is a blending of control over the body at first there is a lack of coordination as the ego resists the movement and the Kundalini forces it. Eventually a form of spiral walking begins to develop. With head bobbing up and down and sideways as in the classic Egyptian side to side neck movement is mixed into the forward side to side hip leading, knee bending locomotive expression. It will often seem as of the individual is impaired in some way.
This is not a snake dance as shown through films or choreographed dance movements for a show or someone trying to worship the serpent through some human ego inspired dance routine. In most cases the person does not begin this willingly at all and is quite surprised to see that this is occurring. Also it would not be an easy thing to replicate as these are divinely inspired movements that are taking place.
This is not about holding a snake or dancing in front of serpents as is often depicted in religious or entertainment based programs. Happens to both men and woman.
It is a transitory experience. It can be frightening for the individual having this especially not knowing what it is and also frightening for those who know the person and wonder why or what has occurred to make this so. It is not to be feared rather it is to be surrendered to.
The expression is unique for all. It will not follow my description though there will be very strong similarities as this is not a dance that is taught through fancy footwork but rather a Kundalini phenomena and a tactile visual movement based expression of grace as it flows and blends itself into the body. It is a beautiful dance when it isnt resisted. - chrism

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