Some Kundalini Signs and Symptoms
From a student.
1. Hot flushes
2. Rashes
3. Scratches on body (these can be entities too)
4. Skin Peeling off
5. Dizziness
6. Pressures or poking in different body parts (all over the body)
7. high heart Beats
8. Migraine like pain in the head/neck or other body part
9. Vibrations in the entire body or some parts of the body ( like vibrations when you hit a gong)
10. Body moving like a snake in the bed when sleeping, or sleeping straight or with one leg touching another in triangle form or hands up.
11. Making mudra's anytime time of the day and night. While walking too.
12. Making various sounds again any time. I am feeling my throat is so powerful.
13. Seeing synchronicity (various numbers, feathers, signs - my take is don't get overly attached. They are such blessings when you need them but don't let them consume you)
14. Of course various kriyas where my body parts do various moves. List is endless here. may fav is when my toungue is out and I feel Kali. 😍 These can trigger any time as well. For me, they are esp in meditation or I visit a place that has some connection spiritually or with my past life's or when universe want to draw my focus on something. They can began at times in office or public places too. Very embarrassing lol but i love it. Kriyas include dancing too.
15. I also touch my body a lot like a Mom touching a baby's body. Giving love and healing to it.
16. Emotional kriyas like crying or smiling blissfully anytime. It can happen together also suddenly crying and right after smiling for no reason or vice versa. Crazy eh! 

17. Increased creativity
18. Vivid dreams.
19. Changing sleep patterns. (There are times when I could sleep for crazy no of hrs in a day and then there are times when I just cannot sleep)
20. Change in food choices to get nutrients your body need. Btw I was almost a vegetarian and there were times I am digging into the Shells and bones. They were such high intensity spiritual experiences as if I turn into Shakti that is so fierce. It also made me understand my animal instincts. Very important lesson. Also, NO to alcohol and caffeine.
21. Removal of fears - I would jump at a sight lizard or cockroach or spiders but now they are my friends. Fear test by Shakti are a normal phenomenon too.
22. Change in TV habits - i was hooked to game of thrones initially and then suddenly I just could not bear the blood. During initial stages such program can invite entities too. I suddenly stopped it. It was a sudden shift. Now I just can't bear the thought of watching game of thrones or any such programs.
23. Visions. I see things the moment I close my eyes. I go to sleep with various visions. Now it's become a habit. Earlier I used to search for answers now I just let it be. They are beautiful experiences. It's very normal too.
24. Hearing various sounds (for me special one is the fairy ones when they showed me there presence) ☺️
25. Increased connection with Cosmos and Earth
26. Increased curiosity in various topics like science, history, language, religion, symbols, mathematics, crystals, spiritual awakening, chakras, patterns, Vedas etc (I am surprised about science, history never liked them in the past)
27. Love with geometric shapes and numbers
28. Being alone feels sooooo good!
29. Increased drive to help others
30. Increasing knowing of self... good and both both. Want to do self work till it feels right.
31. I could feel other persons negativity so easily that could tear me apart now learnt how to stay in my own energy.
32. Unconditional love for all beings (those we can see and those we can't). Forgiveness becomes much easier too.
33. Feeling that we are all same just going through different journeys
34. Connection with the other worlds. Please go through Chrism's videos and writings.
35. Seeing Colours, energetic vibrations with open eyes.
36. Heightened senses
37. Feeling the subtle shifts in energy (still need to work on it)
38. Increased or decrease in body weight and Feeling beautiful in your own skin. Helping me a lot.
39. Learning the importance of internalizing. On the surface we know stuff but unless and until we go through or internalize we don't understand the real meaning of it. Really Really important for the self-work!
40. Feeling at peace with oneself (this happens to me in intervals may be cos my work is still on)
41. Chrism's Safeties - no words for it, gotta follow them if you want to be on this path.
42. Other souls, animals insects get attracted to you!
43. Killing a small being like a fly, cockroach, ant, spider, anything that's part of nature is equal to killing a human! So, a big NO. At the same time learning that killing for consumption is ok because of law of nature. Not for fun!
44. Outer body experience (happened once, when I could truly feel my subtle body coming out, but sometimes I am just flying in dream) - not much experience with it
45. Connection with gods of other religion, they are all the same anyway.
46. Connection to fire, water, soil, plants, animals, etc (I went through that in stages).
47. Learning that you are complete and whole within yourself. You don't need others to complete you (esp twin flame, soulmate etc - for those who believe in these concepts)
48. Most importantly, More and more connection with the teacher and Shiva Shakti in the waking life. Like, they are always there to protect me but I need to obey too.
This is what I can currently think of. I still got to go through many more experiences I am sure. But I hope this is helpful to some.
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