Lately I have been brought back to the subject of teeth and the Kundalini. Every tooth is a chakra. Within the Kundalini and during a fragmentation these can start to loosen and fall out. Your teeth, healthy as they may, be can fall out of your mouth. this would be in answer to any resistance to the life changes that are being placed upon and within the individual.
Teeth have a diamond like energetic anatomy for each of them with various minor differences according to their structure, placement, and the individual karma that the person has. They are living tissue and one must remember this as many consider them just hardened bone. Upper teeth and lower teeth have well defined energetic form and function. These definitions will compel a person to chew one side or the other and also to explore the different pressure gradients that will occur as the teeth move through the various positions of the mouth. Teeth are quite mobile but they move with a speed that is based on the health of the gum tissue and the depth of the root and the quality of hardness that the repeated pressures of chewing food will allow. The Kundalini can also move them as an expression of the the force of grace upon and within the individual.
Even what words you use consistently can have an effect upon the teeth and tongue and gum tissue. And the intent of the words you use. The truth of what you say and the recognition or not of what traces of your thoughts and truths are coming through the oral cavity can have a direct impact on the health of the teeth.
Great care needs to be given to the teeth to keep the natural gum tissues, dentifrice, and surfaces of the teeth healthy and natural. The natural teeth react far far better to the Kundalini incursion and transformation than any man made materials. Man ade materials tend to get broken down through the energetic processes and loose their strength and function much faster than those having man made materials without the strong Kundalini expression. So I am most certainly not disrespecting the man made materials but most things that are an invention of humanity will have a different resonance with grace than the creations of grace such as with the teeth.
The human system is in symbiosis with itself constantly and as we treat and care for one area so are all other areas treated. This can be observed directly with the teeth but also with the Iris in the eye matrix of an individual. Or the palms of the hand, the soles of the feet, the condition and quality of the tongue and the cranial plate expressions, the topography of the face and the condition of the skin, the scent of the breath and so on. The ancient Chinese recognized this as did other ancient and currently non existent cultures. An understanding that western health care, so dependent of treating symptoms, often fails to recognize.
Tooth care within the Kundalini is directly related to the care one places on what comes out of the mouth and what goes into the mouth. Flossing and gum massage with fingers or other objects such as small pieces of wood from a tree and special man made devices will also assist. Finger massage if practical will work best.
Keep the gum tissue cardio vascular system active and healthy through this massage. upper and lower, top and bottom and on the sides as with flossing.
Most important along with afore mentioned suggestions is the expression of the noble behaviors as much as possible. These align one with the positive aspects of grace and open one into the conscious symbiosis that we can have through the Kundalini with the divine. This will begin to see strong results as we give our complete and total surrender into the manifestations of grace upon us and upon or life circumstances.
If a fragmentation comes we can be sure that our surrender of the control of our life will be greatly enhanced and personally appreciated if we have given of our love, respect and self discipline to the healthy management of our divine raiment, our divine container of flesh, given to us as a vehicle of grace and an test of how we, through our Kundalini connection, are able to manifest the supreme levels of appreciation and submission to the heavenly divine imperatives that we "feel" more than know through the ego assumptions of higher knowledge and divine proportion. - chrism