Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kundalini and the Practice

There is a momentum that is created when a practice is done every day. This is very important as this momentum can carry you into areas of experience and expression that cannot be reached until a certain RPM so to speak has been reached. This repeated action joined with intention is what one needs to lift or raise into areas where the spiritual becomes an expression of solidity.
It isn't that the spiritual has lowered itself into the mundane expression but it is that you have raised your self into the spiritual expression and can now sense the firmness of the higher firmament.
Kundalini is like a coil that unwinds itself with in you. Sometimes with a burst and sometimes like a serpent being charmed out of its abode at the base of your spine. Slowly winding and spiraling up the spine infusing as it goes. Either of these scenarios will work. The latter is the preferred model as it allows one to adjust to the extreme changes that will most definitely take place.
A continued and committed practice of the safeties done by you in a way that works best for you over a period of time will produce the best results. These protocols act as a conditioning and a strengthening of the many components of the body that will become very well known to you during a Kundalini infusion.
In addition the continued and repeated practice allows you to have the gift of a stronger and more sensitive reception of many of the early precursor symptoms that can give you a warning that a Kundalini event is about to occur. This can be very useful for a premiere event and can help you to flow with and surrender to the tremendous force that is awakening.
So do your practice every day. Find the time for the repetition. Go into it with joy and thanks giving that there is even a practice that recognizes the direct flesh to Kundalini contact that many of the esoteric schools are afraid to even approach let alone utter due to its immense majesty and its mystery when the person at last has reached a point of receiving it with in them.
This is the "Great Work" as the ancient alchemists used to write of. The turning of the base person into a luminous exalted being of light housed in flesh. The inception of an expressed divinity that all can feel and see. This is your "Great Work". Be that greatness every day. - blessings - chrism

Kundalini Safeties

Part of the Equation

Part of the equation is the extremely sensitive nature
of the Kundalini awakening person. There are many stages one can go through and some of the stages have a quality of separation from others who would inquire or visit or force their presence. Sometimes it is born of expanded fears and insecurities or other conditions that would help the person develop along the lines of feeling the requirements of protection.
This can come from experiences that have been difficult with issues that have been persistent. Entities and other types of experience can also manifest for a person that would offer the need of sanctuary within ones own space as a definite quality to be protected or insisted upon. Not all seclusion is healthy but certainly some CAN be so.
This is a good thing I feel if it isnt a fear response or an entity driven activity. It can also merely be a desire for some privacy even though in the expanded reality that does not exist. It does in the five sense human to human reality.
We live in a big world of many people. People will inflict their
thoughts in many ways so in my humble opinion it is often a good way of hygiene to be able to merely allow and ask the radiance of the Kundalini to act as a filtration against unwanted visitors and then release any control or micromanagement of the situation while still earnestly practicing and expressing the noble behaviors. We live in society no matter where we are on this planet. So I have found it best to learn to work within these parameters rather than feel the need to isolate from the societies yet it isnt all one way all the time. Flexibility is very important as we ride the waves of the Kundalini ocean in whatever way they come.
As one becomes stronger within the Kundalini they become, if they wish, impervious to many outside influences. - -blessings - chrism

Devotional Kundalini

Make No Mistake

Make no mistake. Kundalini is a very big deal here and there (on the other side of life) and many spiritual consciousness and entities come to learn and watch "what you do" in the difficult and mundane situations of your Kundalini life.
You teach untold numbers of consciousness with every choice and step you make and take. And your Kundalini Shakti teachers are the ones that will help to guide you on the path of Kundalini as is given here. - chrism