Saturday, November 16, 2013

Look no further than your own self to realize that you are the person that was given the life choices to work towards a finer and more evolved expression of humanity. Look no further than yourself to realize that this awakening is part of your divine plan. Look no further than the Kundalini to introduce yourself to the overt, aware, experiential, divine consciousness that is leading you, teaching you, sometimes gently some times abruptly, into levels of awareness that in many ways cannot be described through mundane expression. - chrism

The Great Masters

We often can feel so alone in our spiritual experience that we may begin to form relationship with those great people who have died. Especially spiritual leaders. It may surprise you to know that they are not sitting around in nirvana waiting for an opportunity to swoop down and give aid and service to those still trapped in the human flesh. It may seem that way at times when strange and wonderful phenomena occur but typically not in my experience. 

They gave that service already when they were here. Read the writings. These great women and men were not writing just because they were bored. What they wrote typically gives to us the sense of having discipline and a personal responsibility for our own spiritual path and how we are walking it. 

They communicated time and again that we are responsible for our progress. If one follows them they may be required to do as they did and from within our own special condition of life and experience we are afforded the amazing quality of moving into grace by our own volition. 

We can walk a similar path yet even within the similarities we are unique and distinct in our nuances and karma. Jesus isn't giving seminars. Rama Krishna isn't writing books. St Hildegaard isn't still running an abby. 

We can learn from what they left via the many wonderful expressions and lessons written or otherwise bestowed upon us. We can learn and we can apply those learnings but it is us that will do it not them. They know what we do not and that is it is by our own actions and behaviors and expressions that we are allowed into the grace of enlightenment.

Not by praying to one who has left this realm of the physical. Go within is what many of them taught. Go within! Reach into yourself and master your own spiritual equation. You have been given the same potential as any of the great masters. A physical body, a mind, an ego, and emotional body and a spiritual body. 

We have many of the same opportunities that the great masters had. We choose to use these gifts in the way we wish to use them. If you choose spiritual evolution then live in the ways and behave in the ways that the great masters have left a record of. If you wish to emulate them. Or choose your own way and forge your own path. It is truly up to you. - chrism

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Natural Part of You

The Kundalini will take control of the body and because it has its own
consciousness it will seem as if someone different is talking or making choices
without your consent or permission. Kundalini is OF you, a natural part of you,
but a more knowledgable and divine aspect of who and what you are. Consider it
an inner divine Angel whose job it is is to transform you into a higher form of
humanity. A higher form meaning one who can help others in ways that are beyond
science and beyond what we normally accept as possible.

This transformation will move your body certain ways, make you think thoughts in
certain ways, bring you information in certain ways that are unusual for most
people. This is frightening because it is not well known and often the natural
first response is from fear.

I will suggest that you follow the safeties and do not fear this or resist it.
Surrender to it as completely as you can and do not have concerns. I will
suggest that you do not tell too many other people about this because it can
scare them. They do not know and they in many ways do not want to know.

Nothing is wrong with you. More of you is right and on a beautiful path than
ever before. Kundalini comes when we have reached levels of living and karma
that allow it to blossom. It is a most beautiful and precious flower. You are
this flower right now. Blessings and grace to you! - chrism


Sometimes we need to jump knowing that we do not have wings. It is from the grace and courage and devotion that such an action will give us the wings. We fly during the fall and it is the flying that ends the fall. Jump into the unknown for it is true that not all things can be known or thought out. Show the devotion of grace in its many forms and trust that process within will keep you safe if safety is what needs to be given. - blessings - chrism

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kundalini doesn't NEED to be so scary or difficult.

Kundalini doesn't NEED to be so scary or difficult. The safeties are designed to help a person on this path. For those who have activated outside of these protocols, yes like myself, the path can be extraordinarily difficult. But not so harsh within the safeties.

These can be very helpful no matter how you have activated an awakening but for those not already here pre activated they can be very helpful in not having to succumb to the difficult trials and lessons and wrong choices we make while ignorant of the safety protocols. Like caffeine and sleeping for example. Like watermelon or paranoia etc.

All of the safeties are about those actions and thoughts and areas of self discovery and "self discipline", spelled out right in front of you, that most Kundalini awakening people have to learn the hard way if ever.

Here they are "given" to a person and if that person practices them deeply they will not suffer so. They will have been able to pass into grace without feeling as if the head is exploding!

In many ways we are slaves to the ego. The past attachments of joy to certain activities, or people and places. We have molded our lives around those combinations of pleasure seeking and comfortable status quo and we resist ANY change. Kundalini can force that change. We are given in the KAS1 treatment a notification for the change. It isn't coming as a surprise but rather as an overt possibility!

It is no longer an unknown therefore it isn't as much of a fear. We can embrace changing our mindset choices or our activities choices towards those mindsets and activities that are more harmonious with the Kundalini. Not falling off the deep end into a cycle of circular painful actions, decisions, mindsets and emotional blow outs that can cripple us as we try to resist the Kundalini agenda.

So yes understand that Kundalini isn't to be trifled with. It isn't some new age fun palace. It is a real transformation of every aspect of the human being. But it doesn't need to be painful. It doesn't need to be frightening. It does need to be respected and surrendered to.

If you have come here to be initiated in the Kundalini then I strongly suggest that you practice the safeties daily as they are written.

Let them begin the refinement process. Let yourself be open to what grace wants of you and be "willing and able" to make those changes. - blessings - chrism

© chrism 2010

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Naked and Pure

Naked and Pure

by chrism

Please be in a steady and consistent practice of "all" of the safeties. From
the locks to the Tibetans the breath and the service unless otherwise indicated
by myself for you. All of the safeties and yes many of these activities are
already being practiced by you. Now you are merely shifting the focus towards
doing it consciously with more consistency.

The Shaktipat will be taken from your practice. Each of you individually via the
Scatterfield. Certain consistent elements will need to be in place for a
demonstrable Shaktipat as well as certain clearings. So for instance if one is
in too much fear about these areas this can serve as a block to the gift. A
block for your safety in this example as there may be no need for you to have
extremely enhanced levels of fear regarding the acceptance of the divine gift.

If one is in much doubt about the validity of Kundalini this can also serve as a
block. If one is doing this for the phenomena or "the powers" this can also
serve as a block as the Kundalini in me will understand the limited scope of
interest and the self serving focus of a power minus wisdom approach.

Having too many other techniques is another impediment. Or having techniques
where entities are being called in to supplement personal spiritual
responsibilities. In the five sense understanding not very much is known or
understood regarding the entity agenda. Even from those who consider themselves
as "advanced adepts" with regard to the agenda of the entity involvement with
corporeal encased, under the veil, human consciousness, they are not able to be
discerning in these areas regardless.

Kundalini as it is given here is an extremely personal responsibility and gift.
It is not the latest "New Age" thing in fact it is quite ancient. The
understandings of Kundalini inculcation and development within the body is very
much misunderstood in our society at present as are the conditionings of mind
and ego also not understood or practiced adequately enough for the Kundalini
presence to be gifted safely by most.

This isn't about a person "doing" something in order to receive a result and yet
one must "do" some things in order for the gift to be retained.

This is where the safety protocols are given. This is the purpose in regards to
the Shaktipat for their being practiced along with the safety mechanisms
inherent with in them. So do the safeties as much as possible as the ONE and
only practice for the inculcation of Kundalini awakening. This is my suggestion
to everyone.

Do not call in this or that entity or Arc Angel or Lord of some divine ray. No
Ashtar commanders or priests of the white or red or purple hand. - lol! No fairy
dust or entity attachments. No ancient Babylonian King, Queen, god or goddess
unless it is merely another name for Kundalini. No blood sacrifices or augury or
haruspication. No thought forms or vices of any chemical or spiritual or
physical quality. No floating hearts or fluffy bunnies as they tend to get
eaten. - lol!

Come into this as naked and pure as you can be.

No healing masters of the universe or red or white feathered spiritual Native
Americans. No channeling of anything other than love and the qualities as
outlined in the safety protocols. No drugs or entheogins. Come into this
exaltation clear and free of any of the many flavors of spirituality and conduct
that the New Age or the Old Age has made available.

Come as a child free and clear and positively inquisitive.

Come with willingness for "inner discipline" of emotions and inner dialogue,
transformed food intake and fear response. Come with the intention of a gentle
release of ego control within an environment that is safe and behind your eyes
and heart.

This is about you and you alone. If you are frightened to walk this path alone
then it is not for you!

There is guidance and love and compassion. There are also fears to be faced,
disciplines to be practiced and gently or abruptly released unproductive
patterns of conduct.

It is a multifaceted process of inner cleansing and inner balance and becoming
filled with a presence and energy beyond words. The initial feelings are those
of moving bliss and I mean a movement based vibration with bliss. In variations
of degree as we all come into this from our unique perspective of development
and challenges.

So please be aware of these qualities and adjust to these instructions sincerely
and as best that you can. - blessings all. - chrism

Kundalini Grounding

Monday, June 3, 2013

Kundalini Adoration

Kundalini Adoration
by chrism

It just isn't safe and doesn't feel right for everyone. So it isn't forced or even asked of for anyone to do this. Not by me. Kundalini may indeed ask this of a person and in that context and within that instruction I will suggest that it be done. There is a very long history of it bringing a person a great deal of grace. So if this is a great fear of yours? Try it and remove that blockage from your process. Is it something that just turns your guts? Good! Do it and let that gut wrenching experience leave you......or not....its up to you. -

blessings - chrism

Crying and the Kundalini

Yes "without" the Kundalini awakening in a person crying can be an option. We
spend much time and energy here in our western confidence crafting our many
strategies of controlling our emotional body. Not so much the ego but certainly
the emotional. "Movie sets" of control that look solid from the outside but are
hollow in the presence of the inner divine. Years and years go into this
training of control and in some "the profession" is geared towards the total
confinement and control over the emotions.

When the Kundalini awakening occurs this control may not ever be present within
the expression of the ego consciousness or higher mental consciousness again.

Blissful tears and tears of release and cleansing will come often and typically
carve rivers of grace upon the face of the awakened. Heaving and sobs of joy and
release will accompany these tears. The tear drop is the lake of freedom and the
lake is a reservoir of enlightenment in its nascent infractions of grace upon
the sleeping being.

Yes it can be inconvenient for those still living the dream of illusion. As the
awakening occurs, as the rays of knowingness and enlightenment begin to fill the
inner eyelid, a new paradigm begins to unfold as the new eyes gain their sight.
A new life. Tears of love and bliss and joy and ecstasy begin to nourish the
five bodies of human expression. Control of this comes for the asking of it but
not from the conscious desire of control over it. One can have a job and the
many aspects of the old life but the new Kundalini life will command this
situation. Kundalini takes total control.

The old self is slowly replaced by the new emerging self and the call of
divinity increases this internal surrender.

If tears are an inconvenience and a pain and an insurmountable interference in
your life then do not go towards the Kundalini. (IF) you still have that choice.
Certainly do not go into it thinking that you have attained such a magnificent
control over your ego and emotional being. The surprise to the contrary may be
overwhelming. - blessings and tears of joy to you! - chrism


Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a Poojari and a epitome of 'Bhakti Yogi'.
He was proof enough that basic emotions of 'Crying' could generate Mental Power
towards self-realisation. He used to cry whenever he sat in Prayer.

He became seized by a desire to have a vision of Kali—a direct realization of
her reality—and believed the stone image to be living and breathing and taking
food out of his hand. At times he would weep bitterly and cry out loudly while
worshiping, and would not be comforted, because he could not see his mother Kali
as perfectly as he wished.

At night, he would go into a nearby jungle and spend the entire night meditating
on God, without any consciousness of even his clothes falling off. People became
divided in their opinions—some held Ramakrishna to be mad, and some took him to
be a great lover of God.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Kundalini Awakening Safeties

The safeties are the closest thing to a universal preparation practice for the
Kundalini and yet even there the individual Karma will have its authority over
what occurs. - chrism

The Incubus and Succubus phenomena

I had these encounters. These are great reasons to abstain from sex for a time. Always deny these entities approach and attentions. Do not enter into any agreements with them. None at all and do your best to not notice them as well. No communicating and no validation that they mean anything to you other than a minor irritation.

These are tests of a persons integrity and morality.

Taking energy from others is just the beginning of the indiscretions these entities will commit - if you let them. And then you may be trapped for a time on this difficult lower expression of the spiritual state. My advice is to not go there! Do not buy into these "traps" of immediate gratification through sexual means. Have the discipline and the courage to go a way that surpasses the base sexual desires.

This is one of the main reasons for the ancient admonition to lose the control that the ego and its desires have over the thoughts and actions of the individual within the Kundalini. They knew about these entities and these tests.

I had these visitations and it is easy to fall into this
"honey trap." Take care not to allow or engage them as some levels of spiritual creation do not share power they only take it - and they will take yours if you let them.

If you see them without their mind controlled disguise that they show to you they are quite disgusting. You will never ever want anything to do with them again! - chrism


 As the energy rises in the body it can feel as if the spirit/consciousness is
also leaving because we easily mistake our energy for our spirit or
consciousness. You can ground yourself by holding on to a tree or being barefoot
on bare soil. Eating, defecating, hard exercise, sex, any of the natural
functions of bodily maintenance will help to ground a person. No need to fear.
Just be confident and begin to trust the Kundalini. - chrism

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chrism Kundalini Shaktipat

Summer Solstice Shaktipat 2013

For those interested in receiving the Kundalini through its grace in me. Please Join this group - Chrism Kundalini Shaktipat

These are the protocols:

Practice all of the safeties daily. If you cannot do a certain exercise then
please contact me and we can talk about it.

Post a picture here in this community (face and shoulders, color, no glasses or
hats or other people or animals)

Make a public statement here indicating your commitment to practicing the
safeties daily.

Give permission for the Shaktipat to be given through Scatterfields.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

 Kundalini Ascension

Kundalini is an evolutionary energy that is designed for humanity’s next step toward a luminous physical and spiritual expression.  The Kundalini is in everyone.
It is an untapped resource of divinity within us all that is waiting to be awakened and experienced.  Never has the time been so right and crucial for a change of this magnitude to be explored and initiated.  And so, let me introduce you to the power within you, right now at this very moment. Your Kundalini.

Kundalini is a very powerful and transformative energy located at the base of the spine within the last three vertebrae of the tailbone or coccyx, extending to the perineum. Kundalini is a natural birthright to all people but must be sought and nurtured with a physical and spiritual practice.

Ascension is what the Kundalini process brings.

It is one of the gifts. It is also the gift that one "is".
Yes one still has free will and choices are made to stay and help. These choices are made outside of an ascension platform though. The ascension choices are made from a vastly expanded knowledge base about the workings of the soul journey and the expression of spirit in a body. Karma and the plan of learning of the soul are also understood far better than is currently available in a non Kundalini awakened body and consciousness.

One knows ascension is available. One knows that the many options that are open to choose to express from are there and within reach. One can see them and feel them and they are a fact of opportunity and existence for the person reaching into these areas. One can see far beyond these mere opportunities as well. Ascension is almost like a conscious death to continued expression in the physical.

The gift of ascension is like being consumed by intelligent loving radiance. The radiance is the divine quality of the person overcoming the physical constraints of the material physical body and moving into the expression of pure energy.

Pure intelligent energy. The body atomic structure is increased in its spin and expression. These also become saturated with the divine expression and they are consumed by the radiance. Everything of a physical body nature goes with you if you choose it to be so. Most do not choose this but some do.

The heavenly fields do not experience life and consciousness as we here in the body experience these qualities. There are very few limits to what can be known and understood in these areas of expression. Divinity is huge and miniature at the
same time and dualities do not exist as we in the limited flesh awareness know duality to be and yet they do. Compression of knowledge and its comprehension is extremely different in these areas.

The spiritual planes of expression are not like the physical dimensions and any comparison is merely a small gift of reference given by divinity that a person can even begin to understand. All wants and desires have been smoothed. All concerns and even love of the physical existence is not even considered. The larger picture of ascension is as an ocean to the single drop of water of the consciousness we express from.

With ascension we are that drop and we are that ocean at the same time, outside of duality and within it. Non dual systems are not easily comprehended by those in a dualistic existence. So the picture I am giving here is very poor compared to the experience of what is given.

In another example one becomes the individual cell of a body and yet retains the full knowledge and activity of the complete body and all of the cells that comprise it. Separate and yet combined.
So it isn't really appropriate to make plans about ascension. You do not as yet have enough information about your reason for even being here. Ascension isn't an escape from pain or a place to ride out the storm.

It is the next expression of beingness outside of the human condition.
This includes the reincarnation of lives into the flesh. Ascension is beyond even that. We are not sum and total biological beings that end in death. We are far more than that. And in that potential is an unlimited factor of grace that is available to us to reach for and to be reached from. Grace is the next stop. What is done with the human expression inside of the grace that comes from the Kundalini is what will determine your choices and options regarding ascension.

Nobody is an island. We are all connected. So think about that and then consider what occurs as you stand next to someone with your Kundalini flowing. As they stand inside of your radiance what do you think is happening to them and their potential for reaching into the grace of the Kundalini and then further into the choices of ascension. What Karma if any do you add to
your responsibilities? You are as your fellow human is and they are as you are.

The difference is in the ability to hold specific frequency of divine expression. Ascension is beyond that connection and yet part of it. We give of grace that which we do not know, as ego expressions, what is given. Not everyone is ready for it and yet the potential is there.

The first threshold is the Kundalini.

So I hope this is at least a little bit more of an explanation that can clear up some of the misconceptions about ascension that stem largely from the avoidance of pain and disaster and calamity. No one wants to experience this and so the idea of being swept away by divinity in a great ascension wave is given to those who will wish for divine intervention rather than make the needed changes to help themselves and others survive what the future brings.

Kundalini is the divine intervention. Kundalini is that connecting force of the divine into the physical mundane. As we practice and strive and surrender to the Kundalini within, so do we build the platform of the ascension within us. And when that occurs the knowledge will flow and the understandings will be
given and you will know why you are here. You will have an understanding of the Karmic process that has brought you into this expression.

When that occurs your choices regarding ascension will be far clearer to you than my meager words can give answer to. However at this time let the Kundalini continue its agenda with you. Let it make the changes and surrender completely to the Kundalini. Change your life and the way you live your life by following those divine intuitions that the awakened Kundalini will bring. Let it
flow through you and allow for the evolution of every cell in your body and match these changes by evolving the way you think and feel about others and yourself.

Reflect those changes by making the behavioral modifications that
are needed; the dietary modifications that are needed; and the activity based modifications that are directed upon you from the Kundalini. Let it change every aspect of who you are. Trust in the divine expression of the Kundalini upon you and as you do so your knowledge base will expand far beyond its current parameters. Your intuitive base will build and your understanding and your love and your astonishment of the depth and vastness of the grace that drives you will open up the ascension channels within. From these channels will come to you the information that you will need to even understand what it means to enter into the ascension process -
blessings all - chrism

© chrism 2008

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Kundalini Tantra