Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mt. Kundalini

Often within the Kundalini we are given challenges that will seem monumental. Mountains so high we cannot see the tops just the ice cold snowy reaches dissappearing into the clouds of our Kundalini agenda. We can be compelled to go where no others can go. Only the gifted Kundalini people will go there or even be able to survive there.
It is a land of extremes. Extreme beauty, extreme love, extreme strength, extreme trust, extreme compassion, extreme honesty.....extreme challenges.
Even the air is thick with energies that are at times so strong and overpowering like walking into a cloud of electricity and at other times so soft and gentle and loving that one may seem to be floating with the clouds of creation. These energies can change without warning as we follow the paths of those Kundalini saints that have come before us. We travel in the footsteps clearly left by the Christs and the Ishtars' and Buddha's and Isis, the Athena's, Astarte's, the Kwan Yin's, the Shakti, the Krishna's and the Allah's and all of those who have left us true divine paths to follow. This writing is about some of those paths.
As we approach those inviting, haunting, frightening, loving, and beautiful hieghts we begin to be prepared for the climb. We begin to be changed from who we once were into another person. A person who can express and embody the greater inner expressions, the exaltations and attitudes of divine grace. One who can breathe that thin air of the Kundalini transformation which is sometimes not breathing at all!
The tools of the climb become awakened within us. We are stripped naked in the chill cold of the sacred feminine, yet we are warmed by the inner Sun. Our heart rates are expanded into the new extreme of rapid and the slowness of beating. Same with our blood pressure up and down in its vascular journey.
Our mind can go from extremes in dullness to extremes in brilliance with every sacred step as we are transformed through the inner expansions of total innocence to total trust. New climbing tools arrive from within us as we slowly climb our way out of the densities of expectation and attachment of societal programming. We become lighter and more freedom is given from grace.
We may experience blockages on our path up the Holy Kundalini mountain and there is no going around them. As soon as you thought you have gone around it the boulder of blockage moves right back in front of you again and again and in these ways are we forced to contend with our inner ego strategies of avoidance or resistance to the changes being made.
We are no longer the victim of our Karma for we embrace our Karma.
We are no longer the fruit of the insult that has opened within us the signposts of grace giving us the new way forward.The thief has been forgiven and received our love. The rapist has been forgiven and compassionately held by the strength and expantion of our divine love. The murderer no longer has the power to end life but is also forgiven and transformed by our radiance of loving forgiveness. We do not have any choice in these changes for when the mantle of grace has been placed upon our shoulders and within our heart and mind there is no option of removal. Nothing the ego can do will reverse the melding of grace that is upon us and within us and around us.
Even so the ego will resist. It will refuse the heavenly parents as it strives to have its way of revenge or avoidance or blame or guilt or any of the traits and trajectories of its "will" being recognized. Yet that hand of direct intervening grace will gently and lovingly allow the ego to witness itself through its actions and thoughts and hatreds and anger formats. What the ego does not realize or want to understand is that all of the trials and tribulations, pain and confusion, tears and screams and sobbing, laughters and joys and loves and loves loss in the swirling tumble of the broken heart, has all been placed there purposefully. It has been arranged for the ego to feel this and move through it not only giving redemption for the karma but also the refinement of the individual away from the mundane expressions that are of the old life.
Its these new tools from transformation that help us to climb these hieghts and to make these new choices which in turn allow us to climb higher and higher into ourselves and our realizations. We climd and we coelesece into the omini drectional attiudes and thoughts and expressions of the saint. For the barefeet of the saint is the snowshoe of grace. Within the heart of the saint is the rythmic beating of the divine heart. Your heart as you combine with the kundalini. - chrism

Saturday, February 3, 2018

21 action's or choices that can make the Kundalini much more challenging.
Rushing into the Kundalini because you think it might be a cool idea but not taking it seriously.
Experiencing the Kundalini bliss and then chasing only that sensation.
Coming into the Kundalini by use of drugs or techniques that require no refinement based behavioral changes.
Holding onto grudges and hatreds while practicing towards the Kundalini.
Having a singular interest in the "powers" that can come with the Kundalini and going only for those.
Coming into or working towards the Kundalini to prove your religion is the best or only true religion.
Searching for a healing from the Kundalini for a current disease or illness.
Wanting to give peace or healing to the entire planet and using Kundalini to accomplish such goals.
Trying to control the Kundalini to work for the ego.
Being afraid of the Kundalini yet wanting it at the same time.
Using the Kundalini to attract a mate.
Resisting giving selfless service while having the Kundalini.
Not surrendering to the Kundalini agenda.
Not paying attention to dietary changes.
Drinking caffeine while having the Kundalini.
Using alcohol or other "legal" drugs or stimulants while having the Kundalini.
Getting involved in pornography or hyper expressive self stimulation as a response to Kundalini induced heightened libido.
Fasting in order to bring about the Kundalini.
Self admittance into a psyche ward.
Communicating with discarnate entities or making deals or contracts with them.
Self aggrandizement.
These are merely a drop in the ocean of challenging choices that the Kundalini aspirant will make. Hope it goes well for all of you!
~Chrism ~

For the awakening Kundalini person

Please consider some new dietary and behavioral suggestions.

I will suggest that you take some buffered vit. C. complex 1000mgs with rutin, bioflavinols, and hesperiden. Daily with food (best in the morning.) Your adrenals have been maxed out and are trying to recover. Eat as natural a raw diet as you can arrange. Feel what it is your Kundalini wants you to eat. Keep your hydration levels strong and your electrolytes always present. Water, watermelon, coconut water and coconut milk and other nutrients are available for this.

I will suggest that all caffeine intake be discontinued. Caffeine drains the adrenal system. Take out all processed foods and white processed sugars, flours and sweeteners. No hot spices. No high fructose corn syrups at all. No alcohol or nicotine or any kind of drug, spice, or food that is artificial or used to enable nervous excitation.
Kundalini calls for enhanced levels of purity. A time and a way for the body to be within the Kundalini transformation with out being drained of the fluids and creative forces it needs to continue that transformation.

Retain your sperm. And or feminine sexual fluids. Do not lose your seed or sacred fluids as it is this that the Kundalini pulls back into the spinal cord. This is changed by the Kundalini into a vital substance that will begin the transformation of the endocrine system and it is this system that will regulate the levels of physical energy you may feel that you are not experiencing. This will vary by gender.

Have a blood test and see what your TSH levels are. But even if they are low and they want you to take thyroid meds. one may wish to realize that it is indeed the Kundalini that is causing this regardless of what science may tell you.
Hope this helps you and many blessings to you! - chrism

Widening the Channels

Within the Kundalini if nothing challenging happens to you as this grace awakens within you then you will receive nothing to learn or overcome. It is in the overcoming that we progress the most. This is why I tend to lean towards the acceptance of many of the difficulties brought about by Kundalini. We must climb the mountain and that mountain is steep and it takes effort and it takes self-disc
ipline and it can be painful. But we must continue. Kundalini has never been an easy learning curve. Not in my experience of it and not in other notable personalities such as Gopi Krishna and his Experience of it. It dredges the soul of impurities. That dredging can be extremely challenging as it undermines our self identity and self awareness. And yet widening the channels of reception through the challenging experiences given by grace or by the teacher grace has given you to can be the most important assistance to the awakening individual. There is no limit on how deep and wide the new you can be forced to become. - chrism

Kundalini and Entity Contact Through Service

Kundalini and Devotion

Kundalini and Schizophrenia