Saturday, February 3, 2018

21 action's or choices that can make the Kundalini much more challenging.
Rushing into the Kundalini because you think it might be a cool idea but not taking it seriously.
Experiencing the Kundalini bliss and then chasing only that sensation.
Coming into the Kundalini by use of drugs or techniques that require no refinement based behavioral changes.
Holding onto grudges and hatreds while practicing towards the Kundalini.
Having a singular interest in the "powers" that can come with the Kundalini and going only for those.
Coming into or working towards the Kundalini to prove your religion is the best or only true religion.
Searching for a healing from the Kundalini for a current disease or illness.
Wanting to give peace or healing to the entire planet and using Kundalini to accomplish such goals.
Trying to control the Kundalini to work for the ego.
Being afraid of the Kundalini yet wanting it at the same time.
Using the Kundalini to attract a mate.
Resisting giving selfless service while having the Kundalini.
Not surrendering to the Kundalini agenda.
Not paying attention to dietary changes.
Drinking caffeine while having the Kundalini.
Using alcohol or other "legal" drugs or stimulants while having the Kundalini.
Getting involved in pornography or hyper expressive self stimulation as a response to Kundalini induced heightened libido.
Fasting in order to bring about the Kundalini.
Self admittance into a psyche ward.
Communicating with discarnate entities or making deals or contracts with them.
Self aggrandizement.
These are merely a drop in the ocean of challenging choices that the Kundalini aspirant will make. Hope it goes well for all of you!
~Chrism ~

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