Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kundalini and teeth part two

Lately I have been brought back to the subject of teeth and the Kundalini. Every tooth is a chakra. Within the Kundalini and during a fragmentation these can start to loosen and fall out. Your teeth, healthy as they may, be can fall out of your mouth. this would be in answer to any resistance to the life changes that are being placed upon and within the individual.
Teeth have a diamond like energetic anatomy for each of them with various minor differences according to their structure, placement, and the individual karma that the person has. They are living tissue and one must remember this as many consider them just hardened bone. Upper teeth and lower teeth have well defined energetic form and function. These definitions will compel a person to chew one side or the other and also to explore the different pressure gradients that will occur as the teeth move through the various positions of the mouth. Teeth are quite mobile but they move with a speed that is based on the health of the gum tissue and the depth of the root and the quality of hardness that the repeated pressures of chewing food will allow. The Kundalini can also move them as an expression of the the force of grace upon and within the individual.
Even what words you use consistently can have an effect upon the teeth and tongue and gum tissue. And the intent of the words you use. The truth of what you say and the recognition or not of what traces of your thoughts and truths are coming through the oral cavity can have a direct impact on the health of the teeth.
Great care needs to be given to the teeth to keep the natural gum tissues, dentifrice, and surfaces of the teeth healthy and natural. The natural teeth react far far better to the Kundalini incursion and transformation than any man made materials. Man ade materials tend to get broken down through the energetic processes and loose their strength and function much faster than those having man made materials without the strong Kundalini expression. So I am most certainly not disrespecting the man made materials but most things that are an invention of humanity will have a different resonance with grace than the creations of grace such as with the teeth.
The human system is in symbiosis with itself constantly and as we treat and care for one area so are all other areas treated. This can be observed directly with the teeth but also with the Iris in the eye matrix of an individual. Or the palms of the hand, the soles of the feet, the condition and quality of the tongue and the cranial plate expressions, the topography of the face and the condition of the skin, the scent of the breath and so on. The ancient Chinese recognized this as did other ancient and currently non existent cultures. An understanding that western health care, so dependent of treating symptoms, often fails to recognize.
Tooth care within the Kundalini is directly related to the care one places on what comes out of the mouth and what goes into the mouth. Flossing and gum massage with fingers or other objects such as small pieces of wood from a tree and special man made devices will also assist. Finger massage if practical will work best.
Keep the gum tissue cardio vascular system active and healthy through this massage. upper and lower, top and bottom and on the sides as with flossing.
Most important along with afore mentioned suggestions is the expression of the noble behaviors as much as possible. These align one with the positive aspects of grace and open one into the conscious symbiosis that we can have through the Kundalini with the divine. This will begin to see strong results as we give our complete and total surrender into the manifestations of grace upon us and upon or life circumstances.
If a fragmentation comes we can be sure that our surrender of the control of our life will be greatly enhanced and personally appreciated if we have given of our love, respect and self discipline to the healthy management of our divine raiment, our divine container of flesh, given to us as a vehicle of grace and an test of how we, through our Kundalini connection, are able to manifest the supreme levels of appreciation and submission to the heavenly divine imperatives that we "feel" more than know through the ego assumptions of higher knowledge and divine proportion. - chrism

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Surrender through the pain

Elizabeth Daulton Gonzalez‎Kundalini Awakening!

As I sit waiting for my devotion with Chrism Kundalini today, (I usually sit and meditate for a few minutes prior to him calling for our weekly appt.) I start to think about a post I saw on fb yesterday that read something like, “Those who have or need a flesh teacher do so because they are ego driven”, or at least that was the sentiment. I disagree wholeheartedly and here is why; the very thing that the flesh teacher within a Kundalini context does is directly assault the ego. In any and all of its forms.

The flesh teacher is used by the Kundalini to trigger the very things within the student that need to be amplified in order to be burned in the holy fire of redemption and blessed grace. The areas in the student that still needs blockages removed and karmic bonds broken and resolved are what the teacher unwittingly does for the student. The teacher is often unaware until working with each student for a time and receiving also the feedback of the students kundalini communication as to exactly what areas and to what extent his/her effects are having.

But make no mistake-if the Kundalini can use a flesh teacher to get you to a certain area or point in a quicker sped up karmic pattern then a flesh teacher you shall have. If what you need is to stew in your own ego for a period of years alone-then that is what you will have. If you are in total surrender to your kundalini and that kundalini is fully integrated and you no longer carry the pain and emotional blockages from youth or past lifetimes then you may not need a flesh teacher any longer. But to make the assumption that somehow having a teacher makes you somehow egotistical is just not true in the Kundalini equation. If something is given-make no mistake-there is indeed a reason.

And as I sat in meditation, the answer that came through for me was that I am to continue with my flesh teacher in order to work THROUGH the pain. Work through the karmic remnants that remain. Allow the emotional body to be triggered so I know what areas I am still holding on to deep pain and use this opportunity to grow to the next level in my equation while I still have a body. And lastly having the opportunity to have a flesh teacher is just that-AN OPPORTUNITY-should you wish to take it or not.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Kundalini and Bi-Polar Disorder
There are many causes for Bi polar disorder and not one cause can be given complete authority over its expression in the body and mind. If you feel that you may have this or you have been told such from an authority figure and If your Kundalini is not awakened please consider the actions of Chi upon the nadis. Have you considered the incursion of an entity(s) into the conscious matrix? And what of Karma and its exacting balance?
This opens up a broad subject matter. Kundalini expression can have "similar" expressions of bipolar disorder symptoms and yet it would not be that at all just as chicken pox isnt poison oak, poison ivy or poison sumac. Or a Shark bite isnt the bite of a Lion. They are both bites made from fangs but from completely different sources.
Bipolar disorder can have the Kundalini as a source but it is not a necessity, not an absolute. This would then fall into the category of Kundalini Syndrome. Inside of this "syndrome" there would be other accompanied Kundalini phenomena and symptoms that would relate to the Kundalini transformation upon and within the person.
If you feel you are suffering from such an affliction or have been told you are "here" in this group you are in a unique and positive position to determine what and how your personal experience is arising from. That you are here does speak of a Kundalini resource for a balancing of your symptoms and this can also occur.
So welcome my friend and please have a look at the safeties protocols as given here:

Monday, May 22, 2017

Kundalini Contract

Many of us have had excellent parental education about some of the basic tenants of the Kundalini awakening protocols. We have been taught to forgive and to do nice things for others and for society. We have been taught the difference between good actions and not so good actions, right and wrong according to the laws and programming of our particular society and how to move within the social boundaries of our culture.

This is not what the safeties are about.

These protocols are for the preparation and stability of a physical organism going through metaphysical transformation. When we demonstrate these actions of preparation and stability we are sending a very strong and clear message to that which is causing the transformation. We are sending a message through frequencies of thought, intention, and action that support these changes and actually encourage them within ranges of stability and knowledge. Knowledge given through the application of "specific knowledge" understood more as a language rather than mere collected information.

In many ways Kundalini flows along expressions of frequency. Love as a frequency or the many aspects of love as frequencies that flow and follow and build and replace other frequency structures that no longer serve the grace that has come into the individuals life. These emanations of grace form new bonds and new harmonic structures that serve as energetic relay points of love and its multi faceted expression of divine love throughout the five bodies of human expression.

A new blood of divine heritage the "Sang RĂ©al", the blood royal has been released into the system.

As one practices and begins to communicate the safeties protocols as a new intentional exclamation of intention into the Kundalini awakening agenda this language of the safeties begins to take shape and form into levels of trust between the individual and the Kundalini. A contract in many ways is being built upon trust and truth. A contract between the individual and the sacred divine Kundalini. This contract can save your life within the many changes that can come within the Kundalini transformation. It can also bring about the entrance of the Kundalini into the human system for those searching for its expression.

Practice these protocol's as if you are speaking the language of the divine. If you want the presence of the divine within you then learn to speak this language. Learn to speak it with truth and clarity backed up by truthful actions. Keep your agreements with this grace and it will keep its agreements with you. Break them? Sometimes second chances are not given and sometimes great trial and tribulation that perfectly matches the opposite of amazing and beautiful expressions of light and love and joy and bliss can be given in the form of shadow experiences that we may learn the value of such agreements.

These protocols are the language of divine Kundalini. Do not be fooled by their simplicity. Do not be lazy in their application and do make them an everyday occurrence in your life as you encounter the most powerful force a human can hold while still expressing through physical matter. - chrism

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Kundalini will take you right of your familiar comfort zone of reality and daily living expectations. So be prepared to experience this and make as many adjustments as you need to in order to allow this to occur.

Many aspects will also remain the same and you will acclimate to those that are different no worries but at first it can be a shock. We go slowly here for safe inculcation of the Kundalini that these areas can be accumulated gradually and with out a danger to your sanity or ability to function in the society you are familiar with. But there will be some changes.

Your idea of God or "divinity" may be altered. Your acceptance of life and consciousness outside the physical dimension may be insisted upon. Sensations of completely foreign to the person up to the point of Kundalini are a common theme.

The automatic postures of the Kriya, the 360 degree viewing, the sudden heat or the sudden cold temps without an environmental equivalent. Swollen ductless glands and the hyper expression of the endocrine functions can all add up to a "unique" experience. That’s why we go slowly. Trying as best we can to not over do an already strange and phenomena laden experience.

This is why the "safeties" are used as a practice and a tool of governance with regard to the Shaktipat I give. That as you practice what you can hold safely, will come to you.

Kundalini is at once a bridge and a joining of the realities that extend and yet are part of this physical expression. Many places at one time and many other options from which to interact.

You may find some of it fear inducing as much from its strangeness as well as the surprise that it is "really" happening. But the love that comes from this experience can greatly reduce this as you go into it consciously and are not thrown into it too quickly.
- blessings -

~Chrism ~

Unspeakable Kundalini

Love is the path but pain is the speed on that path. It is a beautiful transformation from our Kundalini but the cup must be emptied before the divine wine can be added. So the sacred feminine helps us to empty the glass of our "self." This is not always a comfortable experience.
We are guided into those areas of detoxification and into the purification of our soul. We are guided and taught the truth of our nature and we are gifted with the invitation to consciously change our attitudes and desires and personality traits.
To become unspeakable. This is the new horizon. To transform beyond our current limitations into the unlimited consciousness of the divine flesh. That which has no meaning or reference point for the mundane mental or emotional construct but can only be felt through the unified bliss of the Kundalini divine merge.
We become that with which we merge. And it becomes us.
There is pain sometimes within these levels of change. The pain sharpens our understandings and allows us to not be distracted by our egotistic wants and desires and illusions. When the shroud of the heavenly veil is pulled back and we can see what exists behind our five sense reality it can be a very shocking experience.
To bring us into the preparation for such an experience we are given the opportunity to come into the higher frequencies. This raising of frequency can be painful as we struggle to make sense of that which we cannot yet understand.
So we suffer. We suffer through the loss of the familiar and we suffer through the introduction of the strange and unfamiliar. We are forced to trust and that isnt easy.
Often amidst such struggle the beauty of the Kundalini permeates the air we breathe and the feelings of loving bliss surge through our bodies helping us through the caress of loving grace to accept what is being given. Even as we fight it. The ego does not always give up willingly and it is that clash with the divine agenda where much of the pain is created.
You will never again be who you once were. You will always retain the memories and reference points but a new way will be shown and followed. A way of grace and a way of expanded awareness. Before that comes though you must empty the glass of your old five sense configuration of how you think you are and how your expectations of life are to be lived.
You must surrender everything to the Kundalini.
Stop depending on the old thought and emotional patterns of how life in the mundane is to be lived. She will often just take away your cognitive dexterity. You wont be able to think or organize your thoughts along the lines of the old patterns of the mundane life. And if you try you will find yourself unable to go forward or backward or anywhere. You can become caught in a level of force depriving you of creating decisions.
Typically this is only used when the person refuses to surrender. So give yourself into this Kundalini transformation willingly. Stop resisting if you are. Stop fearing it and move with the current of this massive interior river of beauty and joy and divine strength. You have infinite consciousness to gain. Infinite understanding and eternal love. - chrism

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kundalini and the Practice

There is a momentum that is created when a practice is done every day. This is very important as this momentum can carry you into areas of experience and expression that cannot be reached until a certain RPM so to speak has been reached. This repeated action joined with intention is what one needs to lift or raise into areas where the spiritual becomes an expression of solidity.
It isn't that the spiritual has lowered itself into the mundane expression but it is that you have raised your self into the spiritual expression and can now sense the firmness of the higher firmament.
Kundalini is like a coil that unwinds itself with in you. Sometimes with a burst and sometimes like a serpent being charmed out of its abode at the base of your spine. Slowly winding and spiraling up the spine infusing as it goes. Either of these scenarios will work. The latter is the preferred model as it allows one to adjust to the extreme changes that will most definitely take place.
A continued and committed practice of the safeties done by you in a way that works best for you over a period of time will produce the best results. These protocols act as a conditioning and a strengthening of the many components of the body that will become very well known to you during a Kundalini infusion.
In addition the continued and repeated practice allows you to have the gift of a stronger and more sensitive reception of many of the early precursor symptoms that can give you a warning that a Kundalini event is about to occur. This can be very useful for a premiere event and can help you to flow with and surrender to the tremendous force that is awakening.
So do your practice every day. Find the time for the repetition. Go into it with joy and thanks giving that there is even a practice that recognizes the direct flesh to Kundalini contact that many of the esoteric schools are afraid to even approach let alone utter due to its immense majesty and its mystery when the person at last has reached a point of receiving it with in them.
This is the "Great Work" as the ancient alchemists used to write of. The turning of the base person into a luminous exalted being of light housed in flesh. The inception of an expressed divinity that all can feel and see. This is your "Great Work". Be that greatness every day. - blessings - chrism

Kundalini Safeties

Part of the Equation

Part of the equation is the extremely sensitive nature
of the Kundalini awakening person. There are many stages one can go through and some of the stages have a quality of separation from others who would inquire or visit or force their presence. Sometimes it is born of expanded fears and insecurities or other conditions that would help the person develop along the lines of feeling the requirements of protection.
This can come from experiences that have been difficult with issues that have been persistent. Entities and other types of experience can also manifest for a person that would offer the need of sanctuary within ones own space as a definite quality to be protected or insisted upon. Not all seclusion is healthy but certainly some CAN be so.
This is a good thing I feel if it isnt a fear response or an entity driven activity. It can also merely be a desire for some privacy even though in the expanded reality that does not exist. It does in the five sense human to human reality.
We live in a big world of many people. People will inflict their
thoughts in many ways so in my humble opinion it is often a good way of hygiene to be able to merely allow and ask the radiance of the Kundalini to act as a filtration against unwanted visitors and then release any control or micromanagement of the situation while still earnestly practicing and expressing the noble behaviors. We live in society no matter where we are on this planet. So I have found it best to learn to work within these parameters rather than feel the need to isolate from the societies yet it isnt all one way all the time. Flexibility is very important as we ride the waves of the Kundalini ocean in whatever way they come.
As one becomes stronger within the Kundalini they become, if they wish, impervious to many outside influences. - -blessings - chrism

Devotional Kundalini

Make No Mistake

Make no mistake. Kundalini is a very big deal here and there (on the other side of life) and many spiritual consciousness and entities come to learn and watch "what you do" in the difficult and mundane situations of your Kundalini life.
You teach untold numbers of consciousness with every choice and step you make and take. And your Kundalini Shakti teachers are the ones that will help to guide you on the path of Kundalini as is given here. - chrism

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Kundalini will sometimes deprive a person of experiences and conditions that would take their attention away from their spiritual development. Being extremely beautiful or focused only on money or a hedonistic lifestyle. This is not the truth of who you are it is merely the paradigm of consciousness that Grace has given you to awaken within. So do not hold a grudge against yourself for not achieving what others may have expectation for you to achieve friends family, etc. as they do not understand the purpose for limitations that have been given to you in this life from the divine.

You must begin to forgive yourself and accept your self as you are. There is nothing wrong for you. You have been given a very specific body and mind and gifts to do a very specific thing, a very specific task. That task is to weave together a life that is imbued with the strength and love and trust and the honoring of the truth within you that surpasses the physical expression of who you are or who you or others think you should be.

This means that no matter what was given that it does not represent the truth of who you are. The truth of who you are is the grace that is awakening with in you.
Life isn't supposed to be perfect to begin with, that's what karma is representing, the imperfection of life, but your journey through it and the knowledge that you gain from self mastery is what brings perfection to life. Kundalini in the awakened expression.
As you continue to move into forgiveness and love for who you are and how you are the wisdom of that love will begin to bring you the gifts of awakening. - chrism

Bliss Stalking

Bliss has its own agenda for everyone. It is an aspect of the Kundalini that of course is highly sought after. Some will even do their best to awaken the Kundalini just to have THIS aspect of it. We are seekers of pleasure. What one may wish to take into consideration is that within the Kundalini there are many tasks and detoxifications and transformations to be given and received by the five sense person and within these tasks the attitude that we have in the completion of these tasks can form a basis for the gift of bliss. Here are some triggers for the gift of bliss but without the guarantee that it will come. There are no guarantees with the Kundalini.

Gratitude can trigger bliss.
Selfless Service for another can trigger bliss.
Surrender to the teachings of the Kundalini can trigger bliss
Continuous practice of the safeties can trigger bliss
Walking in the light of forgiveness can trigger bliss
Observing or partaking of natural love activities can trigger bliss
Hearing a certain type of music can trigger bliss
Seeing a certain scene or vision of beauty can trigger bliss
Tantric Gazing can trigger bliss
Certain mantras can trigger bliss

These are merely a few ways to open into a blissful dialogue with the Kundalini. The most important way is to not resist the many changes that are occurring especially when they are uncomfortable. We evolve through challenges not complacency.
Let yourself be surrendered completely to the Kundalini within. Let your trust be placed there or with a teacher the Kundalini has guided you to. Open to the bliss without expectation. Let the entire Kundalini experience, in all of its unique and powerful agenda, be a work of loving beautiful art. A gift to God. You are this gift. - chrism

Monday, February 27, 2017

Naked We Stand

In the presence of Kundalini nothing can be hidden or secret. There is no privacy. Kundalini consciousness knows who we are and how we are, what we are and where we are and there is no getting away or around that. We are naked in every meaning of the word and in some ways far beyond the meaning of the word. We are totally exposed within every angle of the spirituality, of the mind, and the emotions and physically too.

The ego doesn't enjoy this due to the programming and the inhibitions we have been raised in within the western cultures. It is so regardless of how the ego feels about it. And its not just to the consciousness of the Kundalini that we are exposed. All consciousness outside the veil of this physical reality can see us as we truly are. There is no privacy at all. Privacy is an illusion. It is Maya.

Kundalini will often use our egocentric mannerisms and fears in ways of teaching us about ourselves, teaching us about what is truly important and what is merely an unnecessary blockage that can be released. A fear that does not serve to protect but in actuality limits the individual from moving further into inner understandings.

In many ways and using other people and situations the sacred mother brings us challenges to our egocentric status quo. She forces us to change our desires and fears and expectations that prohibit our development. She confronts us with them and demands that they be reconciled. Gently at first typically but with ever increasing levels of force.

We do well to heed her teachings and instructions for us.

One stands naked and exposed not only to all within but also to all without. We only have privacy from the human flesh eyes and ego mind not from anything else and even then the Kundalini may task a person with giving more of ourselves than we would consider comfortable or appropriate. Yet within the true grace of the true Kundalini there can be nothing that is inappropriate. We may feel that allowing a force that feels part of us and yet not part of us that is crawling up our spine to be an inappropriateness in the extreme! Or to be compelled to walk naked in the natural physical environment as inappropriate or to pray or give devotion in a public shrine or church or at home or on a bus as the extreme of inappropriateness.

Yet it is not and cannot be. Kundalini is lifting a person out of the dross and slime of the five sense ego encased life and bringing them into the enlightened fields of grace and these ideas of appropriate or inappropriate will need to be set aside. Set aside within the Kundalini not so much within the ego encased public consciousness. And yet even there the sacred mother works on us, unbeknownst to others, within the consciousness of the general public.

You will want to surrender to this completely.

Leave nothing of an ego nature that is overtly hidden by you from the Kundalini. Do not thwart your development by trying. Let it all go. Trust Kundalini. Trust everything and everyone she brings into your life. Be discerning with this as discernment is another form of teaching that the Kundalini gives. Your discernment is a new way of seeing through the eyes and ears and consciousness of grace. Discernment is a function of grace as we walk among those still sleeping.

Be courageous and trusting of what the Kundalini brings towards you and within you. Its new and its strange but its goodness and divine all at the same time. Trust your sacred teacher and the will of the heavenly grace within you. Stand tall, stand confident, and stand naked, fearless and natural. - chrism