Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bliss Stalking

Bliss has its own agenda for everyone. It is an aspect of the Kundalini that of course is highly sought after. Some will even do their best to awaken the Kundalini just to have THIS aspect of it. We are seekers of pleasure. What one may wish to take into consideration is that within the Kundalini there are many tasks and detoxifications and transformations to be given and received by the five sense person and within these tasks the attitude that we have in the completion of these tasks can form a basis for the gift of bliss. Here are some triggers for the gift of bliss but without the guarantee that it will come. There are no guarantees with the Kundalini.

Gratitude can trigger bliss.
Selfless Service for another can trigger bliss.
Surrender to the teachings of the Kundalini can trigger bliss
Continuous practice of the safeties can trigger bliss
Walking in the light of forgiveness can trigger bliss
Observing or partaking of natural love activities can trigger bliss
Hearing a certain type of music can trigger bliss
Seeing a certain scene or vision of beauty can trigger bliss
Tantric Gazing can trigger bliss
Certain mantras can trigger bliss

These are merely a few ways to open into a blissful dialogue with the Kundalini. The most important way is to not resist the many changes that are occurring especially when they are uncomfortable. We evolve through challenges not complacency.
Let yourself be surrendered completely to the Kundalini within. Let your trust be placed there or with a teacher the Kundalini has guided you to. Open to the bliss without expectation. Let the entire Kundalini experience, in all of its unique and powerful agenda, be a work of loving beautiful art. A gift to God. You are this gift. - chrism

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