Sunday, July 23, 2017

Surrender through the pain

Elizabeth Daulton Gonzalez‎Kundalini Awakening!

As I sit waiting for my devotion with Chrism Kundalini today, (I usually sit and meditate for a few minutes prior to him calling for our weekly appt.) I start to think about a post I saw on fb yesterday that read something like, “Those who have or need a flesh teacher do so because they are ego driven”, or at least that was the sentiment. I disagree wholeheartedly and here is why; the very thing that the flesh teacher within a Kundalini context does is directly assault the ego. In any and all of its forms.

The flesh teacher is used by the Kundalini to trigger the very things within the student that need to be amplified in order to be burned in the holy fire of redemption and blessed grace. The areas in the student that still needs blockages removed and karmic bonds broken and resolved are what the teacher unwittingly does for the student. The teacher is often unaware until working with each student for a time and receiving also the feedback of the students kundalini communication as to exactly what areas and to what extent his/her effects are having.

But make no mistake-if the Kundalini can use a flesh teacher to get you to a certain area or point in a quicker sped up karmic pattern then a flesh teacher you shall have. If what you need is to stew in your own ego for a period of years alone-then that is what you will have. If you are in total surrender to your kundalini and that kundalini is fully integrated and you no longer carry the pain and emotional blockages from youth or past lifetimes then you may not need a flesh teacher any longer. But to make the assumption that somehow having a teacher makes you somehow egotistical is just not true in the Kundalini equation. If something is given-make no mistake-there is indeed a reason.

And as I sat in meditation, the answer that came through for me was that I am to continue with my flesh teacher in order to work THROUGH the pain. Work through the karmic remnants that remain. Allow the emotional body to be triggered so I know what areas I am still holding on to deep pain and use this opportunity to grow to the next level in my equation while I still have a body. And lastly having the opportunity to have a flesh teacher is just that-AN OPPORTUNITY-should you wish to take it or not.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Kundalini and Bi-Polar Disorder
There are many causes for Bi polar disorder and not one cause can be given complete authority over its expression in the body and mind. If you feel that you may have this or you have been told such from an authority figure and If your Kundalini is not awakened please consider the actions of Chi upon the nadis. Have you considered the incursion of an entity(s) into the conscious matrix? And what of Karma and its exacting balance?
This opens up a broad subject matter. Kundalini expression can have "similar" expressions of bipolar disorder symptoms and yet it would not be that at all just as chicken pox isnt poison oak, poison ivy or poison sumac. Or a Shark bite isnt the bite of a Lion. They are both bites made from fangs but from completely different sources.
Bipolar disorder can have the Kundalini as a source but it is not a necessity, not an absolute. This would then fall into the category of Kundalini Syndrome. Inside of this "syndrome" there would be other accompanied Kundalini phenomena and symptoms that would relate to the Kundalini transformation upon and within the person.
If you feel you are suffering from such an affliction or have been told you are "here" in this group you are in a unique and positive position to determine what and how your personal experience is arising from. That you are here does speak of a Kundalini resource for a balancing of your symptoms and this can also occur.
So welcome my friend and please have a look at the safeties protocols as given here: